Консоли > NES / Famicom / Dendy > Game Genie коды > B > Battletoads and Double Dragon
Battletoads and Double Dragon
IEEOOALA Start with full lives
AEEOOALA Start with 1 life
GXXLAAVI Infinite lives (except stage 4)
GZSOXPVI Infinite lives on stage 4
PEVELZZE Start with 10 continues
IYKNIKGX Bonus score now gives invincibility (instead of invincibility pod)
YPSYPGIE Longer invincibility
ILSYPGIA Even longer invincibility
AOSEVAZA Double Dragon super punch
AOUEUAGA Battletoads super punch
AXUIPOYA Stronger enemies
Консоли > NES / Famicom / Dendy > Game Genie коды > B > Battletoads and Double Dragon
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