Консоли > NES / Famicom / Dendy > Game Genie коды > A > Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The
Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The
PAOEZAGA Start with 2 lives
TPOEYEZE Start game with 30 bombs
The next two codes only work when you have full energy
TAVEYGYA Rocky loses no energy when flying
TAVEAGZA Rocky loses more energy when flying
AANAIGPA Bullwinkle loses no energy when headbutting
AANAPGGE Bullwinkle loses more energy when headbutting
SZNEUKVK Infinite lives
AAOEYEZA + AEEIGXZA Start game with no bombs
Консоли > NES / Famicom / Dendy > Game Genie коды > A > Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The
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