Columns 3
1 A1ZA-AAA0 + A1ZA-AABA + A1ZA-AABN 5 points needed to attack opponent 2 A5ZA-AAA0 + A5ZA-AABA + A5ZA-AABN 6 points needed to attack opponent 3 A9ZA-AAA0 + A9ZA-AABA + A9ZA-AABN 7 points needed to attack opponent 4 BDZA-AAA0 + BDZA-AABA + BDZA-AABN 8 points needed to attack opponent 5 BHZA-AAA0 + BHZA-AABA + BHZA-AABN 9 points needed to attack opponent 6 B9ZA-AAA0 + B9ZA-AABA + B9ZA-AABN 15 points needed to attack opponent 7 CXZA-AAA0 + CXZA-AABA + CXZA-AABN 20 points needed to attack opponent 8 P5ZA-BGV2 Attacks always remove 1 row 9 P5ZA-BLV2 Attacks always remove 2 rows 10 P5ZA-BRV2 Attacks always remove 3 rows 11 P5ZA-BWV2 Attacks always remove 4 rows 12 P5ZA-B0V2 Attacks always remove 5 rows 13 P5ZA-B4V2 Attacks always remove 6 rows 14 P5ZA-B8V2 Attacks always remove 7 rows 15 P5ZA-BCV2 Attacks always remove 8 rows 16 PXZA-BEWL Attacks always add 1 row 17 PXZA-BJWL Attacks always add 2 rows 18 PXZA-BNWL Attacks always add 3 rows 19 PXZA-BTWL Attacks always add 4 rows 20 PXZA-BYWL Attacks always add 5 rows 21 PXZA-B2WL Attacks always add 6 rows 22 PXZA-B6WL Attacks always add 7 rows 23 PXZA-BAWL Attacks always add 8 rows 24 P5ZA-BEYG Magic stone "Dump" adds 1 row to enemy instead of 2 25 P5ZA-BNYG Magic stone "Dump" adds 3 rows to enemy 26 P5ZA-BTYG Magic stone "Dump" adds 4 rows to enemy 27 P5ZA-BYYG Magic stone "Dump" adds 5 rows to enemy 28 P5ZA-B2YG Magic stone "Dump" adds 6 rows to enemy 29 P5ZA-B6YG Magic stone "Dump" adds 7 rows to enemy 30 P5ZA-BAYG Magic stone "Dump" adds 8 rows to enemy

Conquest of the Crystal Palace
Игры NES / Dendy
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» Пиксель-Арт 12:28