Fatal Labyrinth
2 CBFA-AAER + CBFA-AAET Start with 10/10 hit points instead of 50/50
3 ABFA-ACER + ABFA-ACET Start with 100/100 hit points
4 ABFA-ALER + ABFA-ALET Start with 500/500 hit points
5 ABFA-BAER + ABFA-BAET Start with 1,000/1,000 hit points
6 ABFA-ALNR + ABFA-ALNT Start with 2,500/2,500 hit points
7 ABFA-BAYR + ABFA-BAYT Start with 5,000/5,000 hit points
8 C4NT-AA5N Almost infinite hit points
9 AV2A-B22T Restore hit points 4x as fast
10 BB2A-B22T Restore hit points 8x as fast
11 CV2A-B22T Restore hit points 20x as fast
12 AKFA-AAE0 Start with 2 food instead of 10
13 EBFA-AAE0 Start with 20 food
14 LBFA-AAE0 Start with 50 food
15 XFFA-AAE0 Start with 99 food
16 BDBA-BA6T Most armor items worth 6 to 8 armor points instead of 1 or 2
17 CXBA-BA6T Most armor items worth 12 to 16 armor points
18 AF3T-BJ3C Each food item worth 10 instead of 30
19 AZ3T-BJ3C Each food item worth 40
20 AB2A-AAEE Never need food for exploring
21 AK2A-AAEE Use up food twice as fast
22 BK3T-AAD6 Each gold item worth 10 instead of 30
23 HV3T-AAD6 Each gold item worth 60
24 BKJA-AA9A Kill most enemies with one blow!
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