Formula One
1 AA9T-6A8A Pit crew time is 0 2 JA9T-7EZ4 Pit crew time is 2x normal 3 JA9T-7TZ4 Pit crew time is 1/2x normal 4 JA9T-7AZ4 Pit crew time is 1/4x normal 5 AJ5A-6A2N Tires don't wear out from normal driving 6 ABBT-6AD0 Tires don't wear out from bumping some cars or some rough driving 7 ABBA-6ACC Tires don't wear out from bumping other cars or other rough driving 8 ABAT-6ADR Tires don't wear out from hitting some trees, signs, etc. 9 ABBA-6AF8 Tires don't wear out from hitting other trees, signs, etc. 10 ABKT-6EG4 + AA9T-6ECA Tires last 1/4x long as normal 11 ABKT-6JG4 + AA9T-6JCA Tires last 1/2x long as normal 12 ABKT-7AG4 + AA9T-7ACA Tires last 2x long as normal 13 ABKT-7TG4 + AA9T-7TCA Tires last 3x long as normal 14 AT5A-6A4J No warning to pit when tires are worn 15 AJ2A-6A5L Each race is 1 lap 16 AJ2A-6A48 Each race is infinite laps (lap never counts up) 17 AYRT-6AB0 + AYRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual transmission is 5th 18 ATRT-6AB0 + ATRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual transmission is 4th 19 ANRT-6AB0 + ANRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual transmission is 3rd 20 AJRT-6AB0 + AJRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual transmission is 2nd 21 AERT-6AB0 + AERT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual transmission is 1st
007 - Q's Armoury (1990)(Domark)
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