RBI Baseball 94
1 AFTV-TAGE Player 1 starts with 1 run 2 AKTV-TAGE Player 1 starts with 2 runs 3 APTV-TAGE Player 1 starts with 3 runs 4 AVTV-TAGE Player 1 starts with 4 runs 5 AZTV-TAGE Player 1 starts with 5 runs 6 A3TV-TAGE Player 1 starts with 6 runs 7 A7TV-TAGE Player 1 starts with 7 runs 8 BBTV-TAGE Player 1 starts with 8 runs 9 BFTV-TAGE Player 1 starts with 9 runs 10 BKTV-TAGE Player 1 starts with 10 runs 11 AFTV-TAGN Player 2 starts with 1 run 12 AKTV-TAGN Player 2 starts with 2 runs 13 APTV-TAGN Player 2 starts with 3 runs 14 AVTV-TAGN Player 2 starts with 4 runs 15 AZTV-TAGN Player 2 starts with 5 runs 16 A3TV-TAGN Player 2 starts with 6 runs 17 A7TV-TAGN Player 2 starts with 7 runs 18 BBTV-TAGN Player 2 starts with 8 runs 19 BFTV-TAGN Player 2 starts with 9 runs 20 BKTV-TAGN Player 2 starts with 10 runs 21 AXCV-WA92 Almost infinite strikes--ALMOST 22 AXDB-WA5L Infinite balls 23 AXDV-WA7A Infinite outs 24 ADCV-WAF4 1 strike and you're out 25 AHCV-WAF4 2 strikes and you're out 26 ASCV-WAF4 4 strikes and you're out 27 AXCV-WAF4 5 strikes and you're out 28 A1CV-WAF4 6 strikes and you're out 29 A5CV-WAF4 7 strikes and you're out 30 A9CV-WAF4 8 strikes and you're out

Pleiads (Tehkan)
» Kinbeas vs. Charmy Games 21:08
» [NES] Double Dragon II - The Revenge (японка и американка) 21:08
» Совместное прохождение игр c участием Ниндзя 21:04
» Angry Video Game Nerd и другие 21:03
» [SNES] Batman and Robin (SNES непротив Sega) 20:50
» Ваши герои 20 лет спустя 20:05
» Рассуждения об играх 20:04
» [NES] Во что поиграть на NES 19:33
» FakeGirl (852 in 1) 19:08
» Famicom Cartridge Schematics & PCBs 17:49
» Ваш любимый анекдот 17:02
» Извлечение мультимедиа (звук, видео, музыка) данных из игр CD/DVD приставок 14:32
» Пройденные игры 14:06
» Пиксель-Арт 12:28