Tecmo Super Bowl
1 AAGT-FA2G Touchdowns for player 1 worth 0 pts. 2 ANGT-FA2G Touchdowns for player 1 worth 3 pts. 3 AYGT-FA2G Touchdowns for player 1 worth 5 pts. 4 BEGT-FA2G Touchdowns for player 1 worth 9 pts. 5 AAHA-FA74 Extra pts. for player 1 worth 0 pts. 6 ANHA-FA74 Extra pts. for player 1 worth 3 pts. 7 AYHA-FA74 Extra pts. for player 1 worth 5 pts. 8 BEHA-FA74 Extra pts. for player 1 worth 9 pts. 9 AAFA-EAF6 Field goals for player 1 worth 0 pts. 10 AEFA-EAF6 Field goals for player 1 worth 1 pt. 11 AYFA-EAF6 Field goals for player 1 worth 5 pts. 12 BEFA-EAF6 Field goals for player 1 worth 9 pts. SAFETY CODES DON'T WORK ON PUNT RETURNS 13 AARA-FA42 Safeties for player 1 worth 0 pts. 14 AYRA-FA42 Safeties for player 1 worth 5 pts. 15 BERA-FA42 Safeties for player 1 worth 9 pts. 16 AARA-FA7J Touchdowns for player 2 worth 0 pts. 17 ANRA-FA7J Touchdowns for player 2 worth 3 pts. 18 AYRA-FA7J Touchdowns for player 2 worth 5 pts. 19 BERA-FA7J Touchdowns for player 2 worth 9 pts. 20 AASA-FA5L Extra pts. for player 2 worth 0 pts. 21 ANSA-FA5L Extra pts. for player 2 worth 3 pts. 22 AYSA-FA5L Extra pts. for player 2 worth 5 pts. 23 BESA-FA5L Extra pts. for player 2 worth 9 pts. 24 AAPA-FA5E Field goals for player 2 worth 0 pts. 25 AEPA-FA5E Field goals for player 2 worth 1 pt. 26 AYPA-FA5E Field goals for player 2 worth 5 pts. 27 BEPA-FA5E Field goals for player 2 worth 9 pts. 28 AADA-EAH2 Safeties for player 2 worth 0 pts. 29 AYDA-EAH2 Safeties for player 2 worth 5 pts. 30 BEDA-EAH2 Safeties for player 2 worth 9 pts. 31 AAVA-CAE6 Player 1 gets 0 timeouts for the first half 32 BEVA-CAE6 Player 1 gets 9 timeouts for the first half 33 AAWA-CAB2 Player 1 gets 0 timeouts for the second half 34 BEWA-CAB2 Player 1 gets 9 timeouts for the second half 35 AAVA-CAFE Player 2 gets 0 timeouts for the first half 36 BEVA-CAFE Player 2 gets 9 timeouts for the first half 37 AAWA-CACA Player 2 gets 0 timeouts for the second half 38 BEWA-CACA Player 2 gets 9 timeouts for the second half 39 A2WA-CA30 Player 1's timeouts not reset at halftime 40 A2WA-CA38 Player 2's timeouts not reset at halftime 41 B2WA-CA30 Neither player's timeouts reset at halftime 42 A2YA-CA7T Clock stops after each play 43 AEAC-AAA4 Quarters in pre-season games are 1 min. 44 ANAC-AAA4 Quarters in pre-season games are 3 mins. 45 CAAC-AAA4 Quarters in pre-season games are 10 mins. 46 CYAC-AAA4 Quarters in pre-season games are 15 mins. 47 GAAC-AAA4 Quarters in pre-season games are 30 mins. 48 AEAC-B928 Quarters in pro-bowl games are 1 min. 49 ANAC-B928 Quarters in pro-bowl games are 3 mins. 50 CAAC-B928 Quarters in pro-bowl games are 10 mins. 51 CYAC-B928 Quarters in pro-bowl games are 15 mins. 52 GAAC-B928 Quarters in pro-bowl games are 30 mins. 53 AEYA-EAGR 1 play to get a 1st down 54 AJYA-EAGR 2 plays to get a 1st down 55 A6YA-EAGR 7 plays to get a 1st down--choose not to punt on 4th down 56 ATYA-EA8G Always 1st down

Santa Clause 3, The - The Escape Clause
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