1 A3YA-AA32 Protection from most enemy hits
2 BDBA-CA34 Protection from falling off screen (no health lost)
3 ACJT-CAGA Protection from spikes
4 AB1A-CAGJ + AB1T-CAHE Gambit's lethal burst uses no mutant power
5 DKWA-CA4C + DVWA-CA6L Nightcrawler's teleport uses no mutant power
6 ALKT-CA4L Wolverine's claws use no mutant power
7 ABET-CAAE + ABDT-CAG8 Wolverine's spin slash uses no extra mutant power
8 ABMT-CAE2 + ABNA-CAFA Cyclops' eye-beam uses no mutant power--except 
when you duck or jump
9 ABPA-CAC6 + ABMA-CAC4 Cyclops' optic blast uses no mutant power
10 ACKT-CAFT Mutant power does not regenerate
11 TCKT-CAFT Mutant power regenerates faster
12 ACKT-CEFT Mutant power regenerates much faster
13 ACKT-CJFT Mutant power regenerates to full very quickly
14 BC7A-CA5W Lets you use Iceman multiple times
15 BC9T-CA80 Lets you use Archangel multiple times
16 BC8T-CA42 Lets you use Rogue multiple times
17 BC7T-CA2T Lets you use Storm multiple times
18 P0KT-DAYW Wolverine heals himself faster
19 ALKA-CA86 Switch X-Men an infinite number of times
20 AP6T-EAF2 Start part way through Savage Land
21 AV6T-EAF2 Start in Shi'ar Empire
22 AZ6T-EAF2 Start on Excalibur's Lighthouse stage
23 A36T-EAF2 Start inside Excalibur's Lighthouse
24 A76T-EAF2 Start in Ahab's Future World
25 BB6T-EAF2 Start in Mojo's Crunch
26 BK6T-EAF2 Start in Asteroid M
27 B5BA-CA7T No mutant power lost when Wolverine falls off screen
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