Lethal Enforcers 2: Gun Fighters
If you're using an emulator, the instructions will vary depending on which emulator you're using. Basically, what you want to do is activate the codes as soon as you see the "SEGA" screen. If you turn on the codes before the game starts to load, or if you reset the game with the codes on, you will get a red screen and the game won't run. If you get a red screen, turn the codes OFF and reset the emulator, then wait until you see the SEGA screen and turn the codes ON. The following codes have only been tested on a 1 player game. EZ1A-CAG8 Start a new game with 25 credits (instead of only 10). LB1A-CAG8 Start a new game with 50 credits (instead of only 10). AJLT-AA7C Infinite credits! CB1T-CABC Start a new game with more life (only works on the first credit). LB1T-CABC Start a new game with much more life (only works on the first credit). XF1T-CABC Start a new game with MEGA life (only works on the first credit). With this code on, you'll have to be shot 99 times before you die! (normally, you die after only 5 shots).

Dragon Warrior Monsters
Игры Game Boy / Color
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