Captain America and the Avengers
- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 2
A platform game about the adventures of the superheroes of the Avengers team from Marvel Comics. Two characters are at your service: Captain America and Falcon Eye. The villain Mandarin has captured Iron Man and the android Vision, and you must free them. Both superheroes are travelling through the cities of America, their path is visible on the map. Cap uses his powerful throwing shield against the enemies, while Falcon Eye uses his slightly less powerful arrows to destroy the invaders. Each character has their own advantages: the Captain has special moves, while the Archer's arrows reach enemies Cap can't. The characters are not very powerful at first, but you can pump them up by collecting power crystals. Despite a certain monotony in terms of graphics, level design, music and enemies, the game is interesting and never boring. There is a 'Battle Mode' where you can fight bosses and the second player controls them.
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- Filelist [23]
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