Dragon Buster
- • Genre: action-RPG
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Tose
- • Year of release: 1987
- • Published: Namco Limited
A dragon has kidnapped Princess Celia, and the young hero Clovis sets out to rescue her. Almost every time you will be told "your princess is in another cave", but one day we will be lucky! On the map, you will be able to choose a path to the cave. The stages themselves are like mazes that can loop if you don't find the exit. You will get items for killing bosses, and the main boss will even give you an exit from the level. Items in the game are very useful: the sword increases damage, the shield protects you from mage knives and adds armour, the compass helps you find the exit, the axe and key help you pass through locked areas on the map, the book adds a level, and the herb restores health. Magic helps you deal with zombies and the bowl allows you to exit the level. Sneaky enemies can steal your sword or take your shield. The game is long and monotonous, and you have to complete two circles.
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- Filelist [7]
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