Felix the Cat (Dragon Co.)
- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
Pirate remake of "Felix the Cat". It pretends to be a full-fledged game, even has a plot: a certain captain has stolen a golden goose from Felix, and the cat rushes to the rescue. At first, the hero walks around in boxing gloves; as he gets upgrades, his magic bag transforms into a knight, into a car, and finally into a tank. Due to Felix's non-ideal physics and lack of invulnerability period, the simplest monster can kill the hero in the blink of an eye, which is frustrating. The level design is also a mess - there are tons of places where you have to jump down blindly. And if you also take into account that the game is insanely short..... Although, if you really like the original Felix, you can basically familiarize yourself with Dragon Co.'s creation.
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- Filelist [3]
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