JJ - Tobidase Daisakusen Part 2
- • Genre: arcade
- • Players: 1
The game is full of originality. The protagonist runs across a large space, dodging various enemies and jumping over large chasms. Along the way you will also come across columns of different colours. Some of them deal damage, while others give you additional abilities (speed boost, fireball, etc.). There is a boss at the end of each stage. Before the battle, you will be given a weapon to use against him. The complexity of the game increases with each level. One of the peculiarities of the project is a special image mode, thanks to which you can play with 3D glasses (a rare opportunity in older games). The music is repeated in each level. This does not detract from the atmosphere of the game, as the strength of this project lies in the gameplay.
- Downloads: 11292
- Filelist [13]
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