Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight
2010 ストリートファイター
Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight
2010 Street Fighter
- • Genre: action
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Capcom Co., Ltd.
- • Year of release: 1990
Despite the familiar name, this is not a tournament, but a combat platformer with a very interesting idea. The aim of each stage is to destroy the designated target and gain the energy needed to open a portal to the next level. The target can be either one powerful enemy or many weak ones. The enemies are inhabitants of different planets: dangerous monsters, mutants, cyborgs. When fighting them, the hero shoots energy charges that can be pumped. He can also climb walls, poles and perform acrobatic backflips. Time is limited, so don't spend too long exploring the local scenery, and hurry when a portal opens: it closes quickly. In some levels, the screen automatically scrolls to the right or up. A dynamic game with a good difficulty level.
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- Filelist [20]
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