- • Genre: shoot'em up
- • Players: 1
The company Capcom, which creates games based on the famous Disney cartoon series, has not left Miracles on Turns unnoticed. Here we play as Baloo, or rather Baloo's plane, flying through the air in eight levels. The screen moves inexorably to the right, following you, but you can control it by turning the plane 'upside down' from time to time. The game is slow at first glance, but you need to pay attention - there are plenty of enemies in the levels and they won't let you get bored. You get a reward for each piece of luggage scattered around the level. The plane can be upgraded by buying parts from the shop. Sometimes you can play as Keith Windhorn - he appears in bonus levels. It's not a bad game, and you won't regret wasting your time on it.
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- Filelist [21]
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