Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- • Genre: action
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Konami Industry Co. Ltd.
- • Year of release: 1989
- • Published: Konami Industry Co. Ltd. • Ultra Software Corporation • Palcom Software Ltd.
In 1989, when the Ninja Turtles were at the height of their popularity, Konami released the first game about the young mutants' adventures on the NES. It turned out to be a varied platformer. At the start of each level (except the last), the turtles explore the terrain from above. When you enter a building or open hatch, you play from the side. Scenery and enemy designs are inspired by the dark atmosphere of the original comic. The character can be selected from the pause menu during the game. Each member of the team has their own health bar, so you can swap one battered turtle for another, alive and awake, at any time. The difficulty is high due to the controls, character sluggishness and vicious enemies. But true turtle fans will not be put off by such inconveniences.
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