688 Attack Sub
- • Genre: simulation
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: MicroProse Software
- • Year of release: 1991 • Release Type: Released
- • Published: Sega of America
The game is unique for the MegaDrive Genesis genre - a serious submarine simulator with a claim to realism a la the Silent Hunter series on the PC. You are given an American or Soviet submarine (each with its own set of missions). The missions are very varied - from sinking a specific enemy vessel, to hunting enemy convoys and submarines, to guarding allied convoys, to quietly and stealthily infiltrating a specific area. Your boat is armed with torpedoes and tactical missiles. Boat functions are controlled from the appropriate compartments - for example, engine, torpedo, navigator, acoustic compartment, captain's cabin (again, as in the infamous Silent Hunter). The eyes of the ship are the periscope, seabed scanner, active and passive sonar. It should be noted that this game is quite realistic, resulting in a high level of complexity, as well as quite high quality graphics and excellent sound (there is even sampled speech).
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