Star Odyssey

- • Genre: RPG
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Hot-B
- • Year of release: 1991 • Release Type: Released
- • Published: Kodansha
In general - traditional jrpg, but for those who like it a "but" - all in Japanese. Do not think that this is not a problem... In some langrisser hikari to play without knowledge of this language is possible, but in this... Basically even after some agony. The main problem is that it is not clear what the teams are and what the items in the shops are. With the commands, the problem is solved by experimenting. So "equip" is first the third (from the top) command, then the second. The same goes for items. It is clear that in the building, but which is drawn armour is sold armour, and what is more expensive, and better... For those who want to play hint: in the beginning you need to go to the basement of the house with a spoon and fork, and there in a straight line.... Battles here like in other jrpg, side view like in ff7, but the character figures are too big. of course you can play it, but better not. Download some PhantasyStar. There is an English translation.
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