Doom Troopers: The Mutant Chronicles
- • Genre: run'n'gun
- • Players: 2 (coop)
- • Developer: Adrenalin Entertainment
- • Year of release: 1995 • Release Type: Released
- • Published: Playmates Interactive Entertainment
Basically, it's business as usual - humanity is being destroyed by a certain Dark Legion. It is up to your heroes to defeat this legion. If you haven't yet gotten over the habit of saving the world, this is the game for you. By the way, the game's graphics and sound are at a very decent level. You choose between two heroes (Mitch Hunter and Max Steiner) and go into battle. You'll need to replenish your ammunition as the game progresses, and if you run out you'll have to use a buttstock (Hunter) or a powerful kick (Steiner). Bloody run'n'gun for 1-2 players.
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