Flashback: The Quest for Identity
- • Genre: action-adventure
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Delphine Software International
- • Year of release: 1993 • Release Type: Released
- • Published: U.S. Gold
Legendary game whose name can be translated as "memory". The main character is a scientist who has discovered that the course of events on Earth is secretly controlled by aliens. As the game progresses, he has to recover his memory and stop the aliens' insidious plans. The mechanics are reminiscent of Prince of Persia, but instead of a sword we have a gun (later you can find a force field). The hero has pockets from which items can be used. A - Action (A+in_side=run, A+up=jump, A+in_side+down=roll) and pick up an item. B - Use the current item. C - remove the weapon. Start - Inventory (item selection). To jump to a higher level, run in the desired direction and release the directional button at the end.
Featured: Pocahontas, Prince of Persia
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