Golden Axe II
- • Genre: beat'em up
- • Players: 2 (coop)
The second entry in the series is no longer a port of the arcade hit, but a game specifically released for the Mega Drive. The same heroes, reminiscent of Conan the Barbarian, Xena the Warrior Queen and Thorin Duboshchit, are once again on the warpath to recover the magical artefact - the Golden Axe. The Dwarf is the strongest in close combat, while the Amazon can store a lot of magic. To choose how much magic to use, press 'down' together with the A Button. You can run and hit from a distance. There is a special attack - B+C. The air attack is quite effective. You can set more health in the menu.
Featured: Water Margin, Golden Axe III, TMNT - The Hyperstone Heist, Blades of Vengeance
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