Haunting Starring Polterguy
- • Genre: action
- • Players: 2
- • Developer: Electronic Arts
- • Year of release: 1993 • Release Type: Released
- • Published: Electronic Arts
Playing as a ghost, the player must take revenge on the Sardini family, who are responsible for the character's death. In order to do this, the poltergeist must follow them around and put them into a state of animal terror in each new house. It is suggested that this be done by inhabiting various household objects. Clearly, this is not a task for true heroes, but fans of black humour may enjoy it. The enjoyment of revenge is hampered by a lack of energy, a dog that can see our hero, and a demon that categorically does not like the fact that the hero's soul is still roaming the earth. The energy can be partially replenished by human fear. Once depleted, the character goes to hell, from where there are only two ways out - revenge or eternal oblivion.
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