Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
- • Genre: puzzle platformer
- • Players: 2
- • Developer: Sega Enterprises
- • Year of release: 1990 • Release Type: Released
- • Published: Sega of America
Yes, it's him - the great king of pop, Michael Jackson. In each level you have to rescue a certain number of children hidden in different nooks and crannies, and at the end you have to fight the boss. In the first level, press Kick+Up to lower the iron ladder. To access the sewers in the second level, stand on the manhole and press A. Don't forget to check the bushes in the third level. On the fourth level you can enter the cave behind the waterfall; the places marked with signs can be punched (punch+up). On the fifth level, there are teleporters on the floor; computers and cannons can be destroyed. The sixth level is a boss fight in a strange space flight mode. An interesting game that sorely lacks a password system.
Featured: Pocahontas, Jungle Book, Quack Shot, Prince of Persia
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