Mr. Nutz
- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Ocean Software
- • Year of release: 1994 • Release Type: Released
- • Published: Ocean Software
A colourful adventure game for the squirrel Mr. Nuts. As well as jumping on his head, he can use his luxurious tail to jump down on the bad guys and throw nuts that he picks up on the stages. Incidentally, if you collect all the prizes on the level, the generous developers will give you an extra life. By the third round you'll start to feel the pinch: enemies are often arranged in such a way that it's almost impossible to avoid them without taking damage. Don't be in a hurry to waste peanuts. The character feels slow, but you get used to it over time. The bosses are interesting and challenging. A good game for a curious and patient player, but the SNES version is even better. But it has a password system!
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