- • Genre: puzzle platformer
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Funcom Oslo
- • Year of release: 1996 • Release Type: Released
- • Published: Buena Vista Games
In this picturesque game, we take control of the daughter of an Indian chief and her mischievous raccoon, Miko. Living in harmony with nature, Pocahontas helps our little brothers, each of whom gives her a different gift. The deer helps her to run, the otter to swim, the bird to land softly when she falls, the squirrel to climb trees, the fish to swim faster, the wolf to sneak, the bear to scare the weak-minded, the owl to see in the dark, and the eagle to plan from a great height. In addition to the interesting mechanics of switching between characters, the game features a touching story, wonderful music and a password system. One of the best Disney games of all time.
Featured: Quack Shot, Flashback, Prince of Persia, Jungle Book, Moonwalker, Lion King
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