Shining Force
- • Genre: strategy
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Climax Entertainment
- • Year of release: 1992 • Release Type: Released
- • Published: Sega of America
One of the few RPGs on this console. It is a great tactical RPG. A huge number of characters, enemies, great music, a fabulous story and 30 long (and not so long) battles await you in this game. You are Max, a swordsman from the town of Guardian, and the king has sent you and your small party to find out what the scouts and the enemy town of Runefaust near the Ancient Gate are looking for. It turns out that the insidious sorcerer Dark Sol is trying to resurrect the evil the Ancients sealed 1000 years ago - the Dark Dragon - King of Darkness. He has many minions, both in the form of devils and in the form of ordinary people who have succumbed to his charms and persuasion. Battles are tactical. On your side you have several units of different classes: knights, warriors, mages, healers and so on. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, warriors are strong but slow, and mages are weak in defence but fast and have the ability to cast spells. There are 30 characters in total. Each class has their own weapons. After a successful attack, a unit gains experience, 100 experience points give level, after 10 levels of hero can be transferred to a higher category: for example, a knight becomes a paladin, and a mage - a sorcerer, and they will be available new weapons that the lower class could not use. The variety of enemies is great: you will find simple goblins, knights of the enemy state, the living dead, as well as forgotten tools of the ancients, various robots and ancient laser guns. You won't get bored, and it's dramatic.
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