Super Mario World
- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Gametec
- • Year of release: 1998 • Release Type: ROM Hack
- • Published: Gamtec
This game can be called "Mario in the world of Chip and Dale". An improved edition of the Squirrel King game. The original had 2 flaws: a visually dull urban first level and the characters' faces frozen in wax masks. Both of these flaws have been eliminated - the character is bright and lively, and the first level has become friendly and pastoral. You can't jump on enemies, but you can throw crates. Plus we have a super attack at our disposal in the manner of a fireball (their number is indicated by a green something in the lower right corner of the screen). This game may not have stars from the sky, but it can give you a lot of fun.
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