Lost Vikings, The
- • Genre: adventure
- • Players: 3 (coop)
- • Developer: Silicon & Synapse
- • Year of release: 1994 • Release Type: Released
- • Published: Ballistic
Once upon a time, the Vikings were living, not bothering anyone, hunting, having fun, when suddenly out of the blue came the evil alien Tomator and kidnapped them. Not a bad logical cartoon adventure game from early Blizzard. You play as Vikings, controlling each one in turn. Each Viking has his or her own skills: fast Erik jumps and hits with his head from a run, brutal Baleog fights with sword and arrows, fat Olaf protects everyone with his shield and goes down gently. As they say, a game for the brain and not without humour. This version is an improved port of the SNES version, with some new levels and a three-player mode.
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