Valis III
- • Genre: platformer
- • Players: 1
- • Developer: Telenet Japan
- • Year of release: 1991 • Release Type: Released
- • Published: Renovation products
Once again, Yuko Asoo must confront the representatives of the Dark World and its new ruler, King Glames. The Dark World is rapidly collapsing, and Glames will do anything to save his subjects from imminent destruction. This time, not only the fate of Vekanti hangs in the balance, but also the future of Earth! The main innovation in Valis III is the ability to play as multiple characters. Initially, only Yuko is available, but later the young warrior Cham and the sorceress Valna will join her. Yuko is physically strong, Cham is a well-balanced character with a long-range chain attack, and Valna has a great command of magic. You can switch heroines at any time, except during boss fights. Overall, it's still as good a platformer as the first game - with good graphics, good music and an interesting plot.
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