Araiguma Rascal
- • Genre: puzzle
The game is based on the 1977 anime series, which in turn was an adaptation of a 1963 American autobiographical book based on a true story. We play as a raccoon named Rascal, the second player can play as his master - an eleven-year-old boy named Robbie North. Gameplay is similar to Wario's Woods: Collect things in piles of the same color so that they do not fill the entire screen. You can do it in pairs, competing with each other, or cooperatively. And there is also a racing competition mode, in which both players must run to the finish line from left to right, overcoming obstacles. The game is interesting not so much because of its merits, but because of the tragic consequences of showing this series. The anime was shown on national television for a year, and as a result, raccoons became a very popular pet. They were not found in Japan, so they were imported by the thousands for sale. Following the example of the protagonist of the work, Japanese children began to release raccoons into the wild, which changed the ecological balance of the Japanese islands. The shooting of animals, undertaken by the government, caused fierce public protests. Enjoy the game!
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