Twisted Tales of Spike McFang, The
- • Genre: action-RPG
Your hero is a tomato vampire who must protect his lands and relatives from enemy encroachments. He is able to jump, throw his hat (you need to press the attack button for this) and beat enemies, as well as use magic cards. Of course, the hero is not alone, he is helped by his friends, and not only with advice, but also with combat support. The game looks good even against the background of other RPGs, and the graphics are good. If it gets hard, try to gain a level or two, with it your attacks will become stronger and your maximum health will increase. Also try to get more magic cards by the last level, they will come in handy. In Japan it is known as Chou Makai Taisen! - Dorabocchan.
Featured: Seiken Densetsu 3, Terranigma, Ys V, Illusion of Gaia, Brain Lord, Link to the Past
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