Undercover Cops
- • Genre: beat'em up
An arcade hit that made its way to the Super Nintendo. When porting it, the developers from Irem for some reason repeated the serious mistake of the creators of Final Fight's port to the same system. Namely, the two-player mode was removed. If this is not a big tragedy for you, then feel free to download this game. Very good beat-em-up with action gameplay, high quality graphics (even when compared to the arcade), excellent music and sound. It's also the only beat-em-up on 16-bit, where the action takes place in a post-apocalyptic world: raiders, mutants and cyborgs are all around, the characters replenish their health with all sorts of animals, eating mice or pigs. For those who like to roam the wasteland and destroy all sorts of thugs, you must play this game. There are three heroes in the game, who exterminate enemies with various blows, throws and non-standard for the genre weapons. You can also use superstrikes and superpowered attacks (when jumping, you need to press left, down/left, down, down/right, right and the attack button).
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