Wonder Project J - Kikai no Shounen Pino
- • Genre: simulation
Super Nintendo sometimes surprises with their original games like Actraiser (god simulator), E.V.O., Search for Eden, etc. Search for Eden (a game about evolution), etc. This game is also not an exception, it can be characterized as a "daddy simulator". You will have to raise not a child, but a real robot. The creators of the game are clearly inspired by the well-known fairy tale "Pinocchio". The name of our mentee also hints about it. With the help of the robot fairy Tinker will have to bring up our robot boy Pino. It is necessary to monitor aggression, athleticism, intelligence and sensitivity. If some indicator prevails, then the "roborebaby", respectively, and behave according to the prevailing character. If he is aggressive, he starts shouting, getting angry and generally disobeying you, if he is smart, he starts saying abstruse phrases, etc. The game is realized on all 5 points. There is an interesting plot about the oppression of robots. The game has great graphics, sometimes you get the impression that you are playing a real cartoon. Great music, as in the best animated works of Disney from our childhood. Very original gameplay, which is hardly seen these days. In the past, game creators knew how to create and made simply unparalleled things like this game. To know it in full will allow you to translate into. It's a pity that such beautiful things were released only in Japanese. A real gem of the 16-bit era. The game had a sequel that came out on the Nintendo 64.
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