Не помню давно уже делали это, но изменений там было несколько, которые решают многие проблемы эмуля, щас работа тоже на месте не стоит, вот уже почти решена проблема в crash n burn:
Initing Sounds and Music
Loading two universal graphics files
Bank 2: 409600 VRAM bytes.
Bank 0: 786432 DRAM bytes.
ALLOCATION from bank 2: BackPic, 153636 bytes used(150K,0x25824), memptr 0x294000
Starting to load file $exdir/CNB/Glue/IntroScreen.3DO in SetImagePointers
FILE LOAD into bank 2: Dialog graphics, 2472 bytes used(2K,0x9a8), memptr 0x2B9824
FMV_PadSize = 8820
ALLOCATION from bank 0: Dialog graphics, 143360 bytes used(140K,0x23000), memptr 0xF0000
CDIO_Open (2)
ALLOCATION from bank 0: Dialog graphics, 0 bytes used(0K,0x0), memptr 0x113000
Deallocating 0 bytes from bank 0. memptr 0x113000
ALLOCATION from bank 0: Dialog graphics, -1965096960 bytes used(-1919040K,0x8adf0000), memptr 0x113000
Deallocating -1965096960 bytes from bank 0. memptr 0x8AF03000
ALLOCATION from bank 0: Dialog graphics, 0 bytes used(0K,0x0), memptr 0x113000
Deallocating 0 bytes from bank 0. memptr 0x113000
TOO LITTLE MEMORY for Dialog graphics. Bank 0, desired size 1119289344.
****************MEMORY BANK STATUS******************
Bank 0 (DRAM): 643072 bytes remaining(628K,0x9d000)
Bank 1 (DRAM): 0 bytes remaining(0K,0x0)
Bank 2 (VRAM): 253492 bytes remaining(247K,0x3de34)
Bank 3 (VRAM): 0 bytes remaining(0K,0x0)
ERROR:__FUNC__:Error: Couldn't allocate codebook 1119289344