Very nice indeed, I hope once all characters are added, all of them will be balanced out for better gameplay because some characters right now when controlled by computer are very cheap(i.e Kintaro, Sektor, Kung Lao(MK3) etc)
Kabal_MK, do you think since the Genesis has alot of memory, do you think that some characters from UMK3 could get there original finishing moves back, like Scorpion getting his Scorpion Pack Fatality from UMK3 Arcade and his hand from hell from MKT, UMK3 Kitana's Stretching Kiss Of Death, Rain's Uppercut Fatality from MKT(where he uppercuts you, your body parts fly up in the air, but they all come back down together, but upside down) instead of his current one, Stryker's new UMK3 Friendship(instead of dogs running, the characters are running) and also I know you are very busy with this & other projects, but do think you would ever do a hack like this on MAME version of UMK3?