English версии нет. Некий умелец с The No Mercy Zone перевел частично некоторые меню из игры. Тебе поможет FAQ, поиграешь чуток и начнешь ореинтироваться на ощупЪ.

Released on Friday January 28, 2000 in Japan.
Virtual Pro Wrestling 2
Copyright © 2000 IceMaster Network. All Rights Reserved.
Written By Frank James Chan
Based on a format designed by The Mysterious Kagura
The latest revision of this document can always be found at
The IceMaster Network
http://icemaster.org/ Last Updated 02/29/2000
This file may be posted on Web sites or be distributed in any
other electronic medium so long as proper credit is given and
the original source of the file is acknowledged. It cannot be
sold without prior consent from the author.
This document is best viewed with a monospaced font such as
Courier, without word wrap, for the text to be aligned as
I. M A I N M E N U
Exhibition Royal Road Succession
League Tournament
Rally Ranking
Edit Mode Options
-Initial Screen
SINGLE MATCH Single 1-on-1 matchup
TAG MATCH 2-on-2 Tag Team matchip
3WAY MATCH 3 participants in the ring, every man for himself.
BATTLE ROYAL 4 participants start in the ring. When one is
eliminated, the next participant will enter.
ELIMINATION Series of singles matches between two teams until all
members of a team have been eliminated.
-Choose Hall
Budokan (Nippon Budokan)
Dome (Tokyo Dome)
AKI Hall (Korakuen Hall)
Stadium (Kawasaki Stadium)
Dome Road (Hidden; Tokyo Dome with NJPW-style Entrance Ramp)
NOTE: Press Start here to rename the highlighted venue. This can
be used to translate the names to English (which would have
to be shortened due to lack of space for Romanji characters
in the text field, ie. "Budokan" for the Nippon Budokan).
***Following screen if SINGLE MATCH or ELIMINATION was chosen:
Player Assignment Screen
1P vs 2P
1P vs CPU
Watch (CPU vs CPU)
***Following screen if any other match type was chosen:
Player Assignment Screen
1P & 2P vs 3P & 4P
1P & 2P vs 3P & CPU
1P & 2P vs CPU & CPU
1P & CPU vs CPU & CPU
Watch (CPU & CPU vs CPU & CPU)
-Title Selection
Choose a championship to put on the line, or make a new belt. This
screen will NOT show up for the ELIMINATION mode under Exhibition.
[Available Titles Listed]
[Non Title Match] [Controller Pak]
The "Controller Pak" option allows you to View and Delete the
title data currently being stored on the cartridge and the
memory pak inserted into Controller 1. You can also move the data
between the cart and controller pak by choosing the Controller
Pak option at the bottom of the screen (See the Belts screen
under the Options-Data section for a translation).
***Following screen if BATTLE ROYAL was chosen:
Battle Royal Format
TEAM BATTLE - Participants can be organized into up to four teams
to be individually chosen in order of appearance.
RANDOM - Participants of the Battle Royal will appear in a
random order, only the first four men in the ring
are chosen.
***Following screen if BATTLE ROYAL was chosen:
Number of Wrestlers Involved
Use D-Pad Up/Down to choose the number of participants involved
in the match. Press B button to confirm.
***Following screen if ELIMINATION was chosen:
Number of Wrestlers per Team
Use D-Pad Up/Down to choose the number of participants belonging
to each of the two teams. Press B button to confirm.
****Following screen if BATTLE ROYAL with TEAM BATTLE format and a
number of participants higher than 4 has been set:
Wrestler Team Distribution
This screen will allow you to choose how many wrestlers (the total
number was determined in the previous screen) will be chosen for
each of the four teams.
[1P] [Controlled by: Player/Computer] [Number of Team Members]
[2P] [Controlled by: Player/Computer] [Number of Team Members]
[3P] [Controlled by: Player/Computer] [Number of Team Members]
[4P] [Controlled by: Player/Computer] [Number of Team Members]
[Total Remaining]
-Wrestler Selection
Top L and R triggers or D-Pad Left/Right to change categories.
A button to select, B button to cancel.
C-Up button to make a random selection.
C-Left and C-Right buttons to scroll through the four costumes
available for the wrestler currently highlighted.
Analog Stick UP/DOWN to Zoom the wrestler model.
Analog Stick LEFT/RIGHT to Rotate the wrestler model.
START to move the wrestler to another organization/category.
***Following screen if ELIMINATION was chosen:
Appearance Order
This screen allows you to choose the order in which the members of
each team will compete. Choose a team member by pressing A on his
name, then pressing A again on the name of the teammate to swap
positions with. Once you're finished, choose Done at the bottom
of the list. This will be done for both teams.
***Following screen only if SINGLE MATCH or ELIMINATION was chosen:
Match Configuration
The first option on this screen is:
Rule Set Pro Wrestling
Mixed Martial Arts
The Option chosen here will determine what selections are
available on the rest of this screen.
Pro Wrestling Rule Set
-First Column:
Rule Set (Determines rest of this screen, see above)
Ring Out 10 Count
20 Count
Falls Count Anywhere
No Countout
Give Up Yes
Rope Break Yes
Blood Yes
Referee Stops Match (First Blood Match)
Interference Yes
-Second Column:
Time Limit 5 Minutes 45 Minutes
10 Minutes 50 Minutes
15 Minutes 55 Minutes
20 Minutes 60 Minutes
25 Minutes No Time Limit
30 Minutes
35 Minutes
40 Minutes
Fall (Pin) Yes
Quick Match Yes
Time Decison Yes
*Ring Out Title Change - This option appears only when a Championship
is put on the line. It decides whether or not the title will change
hands by countout.
-Bottom of the Screen
[ Options ]
See Options section for translation.
Mixed Martial Arts Rule Set
-First Column:
Rule Set (Determines rest of this screen, see above)
RoundNumbers 1 Round
2 Rounds
3 Rounds
4 Rounds
5 Rounds
8 Rounds
10 Rounds
12 Rounds
15 Rounds
Rope Escape 1 Point
2 Points
3 Points
No Rope Escape
Takedown 1 Point
2 Points
3 Points
Quick Match Yes
Gong Save Yes
-Second Column:
Time Limit 3 Minutes
5 Minutes
10 Minutes
15 Minutes
20 Minutes
30 Minutes
60 Minutes
No Time Limit
Lose When 3 Points
5 Points
10 Points
15 Points
Knockdowns 1 Point
2 Points
3 Points
Give Up Yes
Bloodshed Yes
Referee Stops Fight
Time Decison Yes
-Bottom of the Screen
[ Options ]
See Options section for translation.
***Following screen if TAG MATCH was chosen:
Match Configuration
-First Column:
Time Limit 5 Minutes 45 Minutes
10 Minutes 50 Minutes
15 Minutes 55 Minutes
20 Minutes 60 Minutes
25 Minutes No Time Limit
30 Minutes
35 Minutes
40 Minutes
Fall (Pin) Yes
Quick Match Yes
Time Decison Yes
*Ring Out Title Change - This option appears only when a Championship
is put on the line. It decides whether or not the title will change
hands by countout.
-Second Column:
Ring Out 10 Count
20 Count
Falls Count Anywhere
No Countout
Give Up Yes
Rope Break Yes
Blood Yes
Referee Stops Match (First Blood Match)
Tag Helptime 5 Seconds
10 Seconds
20 Seconds
30 Seconds
40 Seconds
50 Seconds
60 Seconds
No Tag Help (Only Legal Men in the Ring)
-Bottom of the Screen
[ Options ]
See Options section for translation.
***Following screen if 3WAY MATCH was chosen:
Match Configuration
-First Column:
Time Limit 5 Minutes 45 Minutes
10 Minutes 50 Minutes
15 Minutes 55 Minutes
20 Minutes 60 Minutes
25 Minutes No Time Limit
30 Minutes
35 Minutes
40 Minutes
Fall (Pin) Yes
Quick Match Yes
Time Decison Yes
-Second Column:
Ring Out 10 Count
20 Count
Falls Count Anywhere
No Countout
Give Up Yes
Rope Break Yes
Blood Yes
Referee Stops Match (First Blood Match)
*Ring Out Title Change - This option appears only when a Championship
is put on the line. It decides whether or not the title will change
hands by countout.
-Bottom of the Screen
[ Options ]
See Options section for translation.
***Following screen if BATTLE ROYAL was chosen:
Match Configuration
-First Column:
Time Limit No Time Limit (Cannot be changed)
Fall (Pin) Yes
Quick Match Yes
*Ring Out Title Change - This option appears only when a Championship
is put on the line. It decides whether or not the title will change
hands by countout.
-Second Column:
Ring Out Lose (Eliminate when thrown outside of the ring)
Falls Count Anywhere
Give Up Yes
Rope Break Yes
Blood Yes
Referee Stops Match (First Blood Match)
-Bottom of the Screen
[ Options ]
See Options section for translation.
Royal Road Succession takes you through the course of one year in the
All Japan Pro Wrestling promotion.
***First Time
-Choose Your Wrestler
Choose the wrestler who you will play as. You can choose an original
wrestler that you created in the EDIT mode as well.
-Choose Your Partner
This is the partner you will team up with for Tag Team matches over
the course of the year.
-Statistics Screen
[Current Month] [Current Series] [Week of the Month]
[Wrestler Name] [Location]
CURRENT RECORD [# Wins][# Losses][# Draw] Win Percentage: [%]
Singles Win Percentage: [%] Tag Win Percentage: [%]
Triple Crown [# Times Held] Defended [# Times Defended]
World Tag [# Times Held] Defended [# Times Defended]
Asia Tag [# Times Held] Defended [# Times Defended]
Champion Carnival ...... [WIN or LOSE]
Real World Tag Tournament ...... [WIN or LOSE]
Battle Royal ...... [WIN or LOSE]
[Continue] [View Current Champions List]
NOTE: To quit back to the Main Menu and save all progress in this mode,
simply press START to bring up the Options menu and choose Exit.
-Today's Show
[Current Month] [Current Series] [Week of the Month]
[Wrestler Name] [Location]
[ Card for today's show]
You can only skip CPU vs CPU matches. You must play the ones you're
involved in.
NOTE: To quit back to the Main Menu and save all progress in this mode,
simply press START to bring up the Options menu and choose Exit.
***Future Usage
When you choose Royal Road Succession from the main menu after your
first time playing, you will go directly to the Statistics screen,
and the two options on the bottom will be:
[Continue] [Start New Game]
If you choose Continue even after you have worked your way through a
full year's schedule, you will simply continue the previous game, but
through the eyes of another wrestler unless you choose the same
person again (it's generally more useful to put variety into the
wrestlers you choose each time you go through this mode if you want
to unlock hidden wrestlers and items).
League mode allows you to setup a Round Robin tournament involving up
to 12 participants. Each of the participants (whether they are
individuals or teams) will face each of the other participants in
seperate matches in order to score points by the following system:
Win 2
Draw 1
Lose 0
The goal is to score the highest number of points by the end of the
round robin tournament.
-Initial Screen
-Choose Hall
See "Choose Hall" under Exhibition section.
-Title Selection
See "Title Selection" under Exhibition section.
-Number of Wrestlers/Teams Involved
Use D-Pad Up/Down to choose the number of participants involved
in the league. Press B button to confirm.
-League Chart
This screen displays the round robin tournament chart. Each of the
participants is listed on the left column with a number assigned.
That participant is represented on the top of the chart by that
number alone. The teams/individuals' current score is displayed on
the right column.
To switch the order of participants, choose one by pressing A on
his/their name(s), then pressing A again on the name(s) of the
participant to swap positions with.
Use D-Pad Up/Down to highlight the name(s) of a participant, then use
D-Pad Left/Right to choose whether he/they will be controlled by a
human player or the CPU.
At the bottom of this screen are the following options:
[Done] [All Human Controlled] [All CPU Controlled]
-Match Configuration
See the Match Configuration screen under Exhibition for Singles or
Tag Match depending on which you chose in this mode.
V. T O U R N A M E N T
Tournament mode allows you to setup a Single-Elimination Tournament
bracket involving up to 16 participants.
-Initial Screen
-Choose Hall
See "Choose Hall" under Exhibition section.
-Title Selection
See "Title Selection" under Exhibition section.
-Number of Wrestlers/Teams Involved
Use D-Pad Up/Down to choose the number of participants involved
in the tournament. Press B button to confirm.
-Tournament Brackets
This screen displays the standard single-elimination tournament
brackets. To switch the order of participants, choose one by pressing
A on his/their name(s), then pressing A again on the name(s) of the
participant to swap positions with.
Use D-Pad Up/Down to highlight the name(s) of a participant, then use
D-Pad Left/Right to choose whether he/they will be controlled by a
human player or the CPU.
At the bottom of this screen are the following options:
[Done] [All Human Controlled] [All CPU Controlled]
-Match Configuration
See the Match Configuration screen under Exhibition for Singles or
Tag Match depending on which you chose in this mode.
Allows you to book a complete wrestling card that you can either watch
through CPU vs CPU matches, or participate in.
-Initial Screen
Choose one of three empty slots to save your card under.
-Setup Screen
Name [Enter a name for the show, see Name Entry Screen in the
Profile menu under Edit Mode]
Date [Set the date for this show; YYYY/MM/DD]
Time [Set the time of day when this show will begin]
Hall [Choose the location where the show will take place]
-Following Screen
[Date YYYY/MM/DD] [Name of the Show]
[Start Time] [Location]
[Setup a new match]
[Start] [Cancel]
Press A to setup a match on the card. You will then be allowed to
choose a match type, the wrestlers involved, etc. See Exhibition
mode for details. After making all the usual selections, you can
then enter text for the match's name to appear above it on the
card or simply choose None.
After starting the show, the two buttons at the bottom will be
PLAY/WATCH (depending on whether a player is involved in the match)
and SKIP. You will not be allowed to skip matches that have a title
on the line.
Compete for higher positions on a ranking ladder with up to 16
player identities.
-Initial Screen
-Choose Hall
See "Choose Hall" under Exhibition section.
-Number of Players Involved
Use D-Pad Up/Down to choose the number of player identities involved
in the ranking. Press B button to confirm.
-Enter Player Names
Players are ranked by their identities as entered on this screen, as
opposed to the wrestlers they will control.
Allows you to update, modify, or exchange any wrestler on the roster as
well as 16 Original Wrestlers to be made with this mode.
-Choose Wrestler to Edit
Choose the wrestler who you would like to edit (or to simply view
his current settings without making any changes). You can also choose
any of the default wrestlers that are already in the game; however,
you can only edit their Profiles and Appearances. Their moves,
Fighting Style settings, and Logic can only be viewed.
-Initial screen after choosing a wrestler
"Edit Mode"
[Restore Defaults]
[Decision][Cancel] "Press Z for Help"
Press C-Left or C-Right to scroll through and choose one of the
wrestler's four outfits that your appearance changes will affect.
Changes made to the name assigned to the first outfit will cause
the game to ask you whether to copy the new name to the 2nd, 3rd
and 4th outfits as well. This should generally be done when
creating from an Original Wrestler slot for the first time since
your new name should overwrite the default name in outfits 2 to 4
first, you can make necessary changes later if the wrestler you're
making uses a different name for one of his alternate outfits (for
example, Hayabusa and Darkside Hayabusa). For multiple costume
edits, you should clone the Appearance settings from your editing
of outfit #1 for the other three outfits, then modify him as
needed in these alternate outfits after doing so (instead of
having to make him from scratch four times).
Long Name [Enter full name here, ie. "Mitsuharu Misawa" in whole]
Short Name [Enter a short name, ie. just "Misawa]
Height [#cm]
Weight [#kg]
Voice Sample A [Choose Voice] Voice Sample B [Choose Voice]
Entrance Music [Choose Music]
Announcer Reference [Name to be introduced as]
Mic Appeal [Choose Mic Appeal; they can be changed in Options]
You can preview voice samples, music, and the announcer intro voice
by pressing C-Left (the caption indicating when you can do so appears
on the bottom-right corner of the screen when a valid sample or music
selection is highlighted).
** Name Entry Screens
[Name Currently Being Used ]
[Name editing field ]
(Character set window) [Kanji]
The 3rd Character set listed on the right column is
Romanji (English alphabet).
Use D-Pad to move between the characters/letters in
the Character set window and the options on the right.
A button choose a character/letter/option, B button
erases from the text field. Top L and R Shoulder
buttons control the cursor in the text field, C-Right
adds an extra space where the cursor is.
Note: Always use B to erase text, typing in a blank
space at the end of a name will cause centering and
other text alignment problems.
[Ring Attire]
*Head - Use D-Pad Left/Right on main Appearance screen when
highlighting this selection to toggle between normal
head options and masked head options.
1. Head Shape
2. Face
3. Hair Style
4. Bangs and Sideburns if applicable (depends on above)
5. Facial Hair
6. Masks
7. Face Paint
*Ring Attire
1. Body Shape
2. Tights, Pants, etc.
3. Tatoos, Body Hair, Paint, etc.
4. Shirts, Singlet Tops, etc. (Multiple Categories)
5. Entrance Attire (Multiple Categories)
6. Entrance Weapons
1. Gloves
2. Wristbands
3. Left Elbow
4. Right Elbow
5. Left Knee
6. Right Knee
7. Boots and Shoes (Multiple Categories)
Choose a move-situation category by pressing A, then choose an
available move for that situation. Use C-Left to preview moves.
The top L and R shoulder buttons can be used to assign whether or
not the particular wrestler is able to knock an opponent out or
cause them to bleed with certain moves that allow this. Watch for
the indication at the bottom of the screen or the symbols to the
right of the move's name to know when this is allowed.
Note: "Move Category" refers to the slots to which you can assign a
move for a wrestler (ie. Front Grapple A is a category, the
move assigned to it can be done by pressing A in a front
grapple during a match).
Initial Selections:
*All Moves (List all move categories)
*High Flying
*Taunts (No subcategories)
-First Column:
Style Puroresu
Martial Arts
Shoot Fighting
Class Junior
Reversal Heavy
Heavy Special
Junior Special
Martial Arts
Pin Style Fall (Normal Pin)
Mount Position Hold
Ring Entry Normal
Giant Style (Step Over Top)
Endurance Weak
Reaction to Blood Panic
Climbing Corner Normal Climb
Jump to Top
Weapon Usage Never
Normal Often
-Second Column:
Stance Wrestling
Martial Arts
Shoot Wrestling
Movement Speed Slow
Hammer Throw Throws, and gets thrown to, the ropes
Doesn't, and won't be, thrown to ropes
Submission Skill Expert
Run Evasion Leap Frog Over Opponent Only
Drop to Mat Only
Leap Frog or Drop to Mat
None of the above
Bleeding Rarely
Recovery Rate Slow
Jumping Distance Shortest
Long Longest
Specific Weapon Random
Broken Table
Kendo Stick
Barbed Wire Bat
-Bottom of the Parameters screen:
[Offensive Skill] [Defensive Skill]
Head # Head #
Body # Body #
Arms # Arms #
Legs # Legs #
Flying Moves # Flying Moves #
Pts Remaining # Pts Remaining #
[Decision][Cancel] [Decision][Cancel]
[Wrestler Affiliations]
Rival #1 [Choose a wrestler or None]
Rival #2 [Choose a wrestler or None]
Rival #3 [Choose a wrestler or None]
Accompanied by... [Choose a wrestler or None]
These settings will affect how the wrestler will act when he is
controlled by the CPU.
[Against a Standing Opponent ]
Do During Match: Strike Finish Off: Strike
Grapple Grapple
Flying Moves Flying Moves
[Against a Downed Opponent ]
Do During Match: Strike Finish Off: Strike
Holds Holds
Flying Moves Flying Moves
Pick Up Pick Up
[Finishing Move] [Choose one of the previously assigned moves]
This sets the move that the CPU will most likely try to finish
off the opponent with.
Settings at the bottom of the Logic screen:
Offense Method: Always Strike Strategic Balance: Always Attack
Mostly Strikes Mostly Attack
Balanced Attack Balanced
Mostly Grapples Mostly Defend
Always Grapples Always Defend
Strike Reverse: Fast Grapple Reverse: Fast
Normal Normal
Slow Slow
Attack Outside: Remain Calm Appeal (Taunting): Often
Normal Normal
Aggressive Rare
Extremely Aggressive
Use Flying Moves
Choose a wrestler to clone onto the one you've chosen. This can also
be used to clone settings onto a particular outfit number for the
selected wrestler (note that only Profile and Appearance can be
different between the same wrestler's outfits, the other settings
will affect all four outfits).
***Restore Defaults
This will restore the wrestler to his default settings. If this is
used on an Original Wrestler, he will be restored to his "Default
Guy" settings.
Difficulty VERY EASY
Spirit Meter ON
Referee OFF
Kiyoue Wada
Dandy K
Johnny H (Joe Higuchi; Hidden)
Instant Replay ON
OFF (Affects in-game replays only, not post match)
Color (Hidden) Color
Black and White
Sound Options
Sound Channels Stereo
Background Music No
1 to 6
BGM Volume Low
Controller Options
Player Number (1P, 2P...)
Grapple (Default A)
Strike (Default B)
Run (Default C-Down)
Counter (Default R)
Evade (Default L)
Climb (Default C-Up)
Focus (Default C-Right)
Flip (Default C-Left)
(First time usage: Will ask if you want to create a VPW2 file on
your controller pak)
Column 1: Cartridge Column 2: Controller Pak 1
[Saved Belts on Cart] [Saved Belts on Pak 1]
[Decision] [Cancel]
-Wrestler Exchange
(First time usage: Will ask if you want to create a VPW2 file on
your controller pak)
[View] [Exchange] [Copy]
Column 1 & 2: Cartrdige Column 3 & 4: Controller Pak 1
[Edits on Cart] [Edits on Pak 1]
[Decision] [Cancel]
-Wrestler Records
(Lists wrestler records on statistics recorded with your copy of
VPW2 so far)
Sorting options (on top) from left to right:
[Organizations] [# of Matches] [# of Wins] [Win Percentage]
Name #wins #losses #draw #countout %wins
-Match History
(Lists the last 10 matches wrestled on your copy of VPW2)
Mic Appeal
Allows you to customize the speech used by wrestlers when doing
mic work. 16 available phrases organized in two columns.
Back (Return to Main Menu)
X. C R E D I T S
Translations file written by "The IceMaster" Frank James Chan.
Based on format originally designed by The Mysterious Kagura for
"Fire Pro Wrestling S: 6Men Scramble" (Sega Saturn).
Used with permission.
Special Thanks
Satoshi Kurio
AKI Corporation
Mark Cutter
Nick D
Allen Shoikhetbrod
Char Leigh
The Mysterious Kagura
Copyright © 2000 IceMaster Network. All Rights Reserved.
VIRTUAL PRO WRESTLING 2 Copyright © 2000 AKI Corporation
вот еще полезно почитать: Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 Unlockables Check List by BioHazardandTsukino
This is my third FAQ on GameFAQs. This one doesn't have to do with any
translating at all, so I was able to whip this one up farily quickly. This
guide solves a minor problem I had with playing Virtal Pro Wrestling 2. If I
wanted to start VPW2 over from the beginning, I'd print what I need to unlock
everything out again because I had marked the last guide with pen or pencil so
I could keep track of what I unlocked. Now I can save the FAQs and just print
this list which I hope is useful to anyone who plays VPW2.
Table of Contents
I. Guide History
II. Unlockables Check List
III. People Who Deserve Credit
IV. Copyright Information
I. Guide History
Version 1.0 (10/10/03): Started and completed this guide.
Version 1.1 (11/09/03): Rearranged Hidden Wrestlers according to alphabetical
order. Rearranged Title Belt order numbers according to their position in the
game once all title belts are unlocked.
II. Unlockables Check List
Hidden Wrestlers
|_| Abdullah The Butcher (Legends 1)
|_| Akira Maeda (Legends 2)
|_| Alexander Karelin (Legends 2)
|_| Andre The Giant (Legends 2)
|_| Antonio Inoki (Legends 3)
|_| Atsushi Onita (Legends 3)
|_| Bas Rutten (Legends 2)
|_| Bruiser Brody (Legends 1)
|_| Don Frye (Legends 3)
|_| Dory Funk Jr. (Legends 1)
|_| (The) Great Muta (Legends 2)
|_| Jumbo Tsuruta (Legends 1)
|_| Mark Kerr (Legends 2)
|_| Mil Mascaras (Legends 1)
|_| Naoya Ogawa (Legends 3)
|_| Rickson Gracie (Legends 2)
|_| Riki Choshu (Legends 3)
|_| (Dr. Death) Steve Williams (Legends 1)
|_| Terry Funk (Legends 1)
|_| Terry Gordy (Legends 1)
|_| Tiger Mask (Legends 3)
|_| Ultimo Dragon (Legends 2)
|_| Yoshiaki Fujiwara (Legends 3)
Title Belts
|_| (1) PWF Heavyweight/Tag Team Title
|_| (2) NWA International Heavyweight/Tag Team Title
|_| (3) NWA United National Heavyweight Title
|_| (5) NJPW IWGP Heavyweight Title
|_| (6) NJPW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title
|_| (10) RINGS Open-Weight Title
|_| (13) UFC Ultimate Ultimate 1996 Title
|_| (14) NWA World Heavyweight Title
|_| (15) NWF World Heavyweight Title
|_| (16) WWF International Heavyweight Title
|_| (17) Real World Heavyweight Title
|_| (18) NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title
|_| (19) AWA World Heavyweight Title
|_| (22) AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Title
|_| (23) AJPW World Tag Team Title
Edit Mode: Attire/Head
|_| (10) Mil Mascaras
|_| (11) Tiger Mask
|_| (12) Jushin Liger (Heavyweight)
|_| (13) Dark Hayabusa
|_| (14) Hayabusa
|_| (15) Patriot
|_| (16) Destroyer
|_| (17) Tiger Mask II
Face Paint/Accessories
|_| (1-06) Power Warrior Paint
|_| (1-13) Gold Muta Paint
|_| (1-14) Red Muta Paint
|_| (1-15) Great Nita Paint
|_| (1-27) Power Warrior Bandana
|_| (2-06) Power Warrior Bandana
Edit Mode: Attire/Body
|_| (A14) Three Star Trunks
|_| (A15) White Trunks
|_| (A16) Ippon Trunks
|_| (A17) Spotted Trunks
|_| (B11) Falcon Tights
|_| (C03) Tiger Mask II Tights
|_| (C06) Footloose Tights
|_| (C16) Jushin Liger Heavyweight Tights
|_| (C18) Tiger Mask I Tights
|_| (C19) Tiger Mask III Tights
|_| (C30) Patriot Tights
|_| (C31) Kikuchi Tights
|_| (C32) Power Warrior Tights
|_| (C33) Terry Funk Tights
|_| (C34) Football Tights
|_| (D16) Great Muta Tights
|_| (D17) Bolo Jeans
|_| (F10) Great Nita Pants
|_| (B02) Burning T
|_| (B07) Bolo T
|_| (B14) Generic Shirt
|_| (B15) Tiger King Shirt
|_| (B16) Tiger King Shirt 2
|_| (B23) Untouchable T
|_| (C10) Ultimo Dragon Gear
Entrance Gear
|_| (A2) Untouchable Jacket
|_| (A6) GET Jacket
|_| (C3) Untouchable T
|_| (C4) Burning T
|_| (D6) Muta Headgear
|_| (D7) Shinzaki Gear
Edit Mode: Attire/Equipment
|_| (6) Liger wristbands
|_| (8) Hayabusa wristbands
Edit Mode: Moves
|_| Hidden Moves Set 1 (WCW/NWO Revenge)
|_| Hidden Moves Set 2 (WWF Wrestlemania 2000)
|_| Referee Johnny H (Joe Higuchi)
|_| Color/Black & White Option
III. People Who Deserve Credit
The title of this section says what exactly this is. So here are the people
that deserve credit.
1.AKI and All Japan Pro Wrestling: For making this game
2.The following people for making this guide possible due to taking the time
and effort to make their own guides:
-1. Icemaster: Translations, Hidden Options
-2. LockeJV: Hidden Wrestlers, Hidden Edit Mode Attire and Moves
-3. rjtiger: Hidden Title Belts
IV. Copyright Information
Copyright © 2003 Andrew Denning
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this
document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 (N64 import)
This faq will cover the following:
1. Wrestler List
2. Secrets (hidden moves, objects)
3. Secrets (hidden wrestlers)
4. Guide to shoot fighting
5. Edit mode hints and secrets
6. Major Players
1. Wrestler List
Giant Baba Toshiaki Kawada Big Van Vader
Mitsuharu Misawa Akira Taue Stan Hansen
Yoshinari Ogawa Takao Ohmori Johnny Ace
Masahito Kakihara Yoshihiro Takayama Mike Burton
Kenta Kobashi Hiroshi Hase Gary Albright
Jun Akiyama Jun Izumida Johnny Smith
Kentaro Shiga Maunakea Mossman Giant Kimala
Shinya Hashimoto Masahiro Chono Jushin Liger
Tatsumi Fujinami Keiji Mutoh El Samurai
Kensuke Sasaki Hiroyoshi Tenzan Kendo Ka Shin
Shiro Koshinaka Satoshi Kojima Dr. Wagner Jr.
Manabu Nakanishi Hiro Saito Shinjiro Otani
Yuji Nagata Scott Norton Tatsuhito Takaiwa
Kazuo Yamazaki Koji Kanemoto
Tadao Yasuda
FMW, ECW, Garbage Michinoku Pro RINGS
Hayabusa The Great Sasuke Kiyoshi Tamura
Masato Tanaka Jinsei Shinzaki Tsuyoshi Kousaka
Hiromichi Fuyuki TAKA Michinoku Bitsadze Tariel
Mr. Gannosuke Gran Naniwa Volk Han
Jado Super Delfin
Gedo Magnum Tokyo
Mike Awesome Shima Nobunaga
Genichiro Tenryu Dragon Kid
Pancrase PRIDE Battlarts
Masakatsu Funaki Nobuhiko Takada Yuki Ishikawa
Yoshiki Takahashi Kazushi Sakuraba Alexander Otsuka
Minoru Suzuki Rumina Sato Daisuke Ikeda
Kengo Watanabe Enson Inoue Minoru Tanaka
Semmy Schilt
Legends 1 Legends 2 Legends 3
Jumbo Tsuruta Andre the Giant Antonio Inoki
Mil Mascaras Akira Maeda Tiger Mask
Terry Funk Aleksandr Karelin Naoya Ogawa
Dory Funk Jr. Rickson Gracie Riki Chosu
Terry Gordy Mark Kerr Don Frye
Dr. Death Bas Rutten Atsushi Onita
Bruiser Brody The Great Muta Yoshiaki Fujiwara
Abdullah the Butcher Ultimo Dragon
2. Hidden moves, objects, etc.
After you have powered your game on approximately 20 times, you will
see a black silhouette of Goldberg doing the jackhammer. This means
you have unlocked the moves from WCW/NWO Revenge, for use in Edit Mode.
Don't flip your power switch like a madman, because you paid way to
much for this cart to ruin it.
After you have powered the game on for about the 40th time, you will
see Mankind doing his mandible claw. This means you have unlocked
hidden moves from Wrestlemania2000, for use in edit mode.
As you unlock hidden wrestlers, their moves will also be available in
edit mode.
Andre the Giant is classified as a superheaviweight. This means you
can't give him many of the normal moves. Meaning that in the
animations you will really struggle to give him a back suplex, and
you'll fall down after you bodyslam him. Excellent animations here.
There's a new move series added in VPW2. When you run towards your
opponent, normally you would just hit B and do a striking move. The
new move (and very cool) is this: run towards your opponent and press
the A button to do a running grapple move (you pick the move in edit
mode). You can do two moves (on with the d-pad, or one without the d-
pad). Very sharp, especially Akiyama's suplex.
3. Hidden Wrestlers (unless specified, wrestlers are unlocked in RRS
(career) mode)
Unlock Use, How
Abdullah Anyone, any mode, when someone bleeds
Great Muta Keiji Mutoh, play 10 exhibition mode matches
Ultimo Dragon Tokyo, Shiima, Dragon Kid, Play 15 exhibition matches
Jumbo Tsuruta Anyone, Win RRS mode
Terry Funk Anyone, Win tag tourney, special match
Dory Funk Anyone, Win tag tourney, special match
Terry Gordy Anyone, Win Real World Tag, special match
Andre the Giant Anyone, Win battle Royal
Mil Mascaras Any Junior (cruiser), Beat July
Bruiser Brody Stan Hansen, Beat May
Akira Maeda RINGS, Win RRS mode
Aleksandr Karelin Akira Maeda,Beat January
Rickson Gracie RINGS or PRIDE, Beat August
Mark Kerr PRIDE, Beat October
Bas Rutten Pancrase, Beat May
Antonio Inoki NJPW, Win RRS mode
Tiger Mask NJPW Jr. or Michinoku Pro, Beat January
Naoya Ogawa Shinya Hashimoto, Beat July
Ricki Chosu NJPW 1 or 2, or Onita, Beat January
Don Frye Chono, Inoki, Ogawa, Beat May
Atsushi Onita Chono, Sasaki, Muta, or FMW, Beat August
Yoshiaki Fujiwara Inoki, Pancrase, BattlArts,Beat October
4. Guide to shoot fighting
Shoot fighters can't throw or be thrown into the ropes. They can't do
specific moves from a strong grapple, and they can't jump off the
ropes. They can't pin their opponent either.
Short grapple + A: this is the same as normal wrestlers. You usually
have a belly to belly suplex, a knee strike to the body, repeating knee
strikes, and a choke take down.
Short grapple + B: this will do a combo. Push your D-pad in different
directions and press B to do different striking moves. Pressing the A
Button during the combo will cause you to do a short grapple move.
Long grapple: If you are successful with your grapple, you will
automatically take down your opponent, and mount him for punches to the
face. Press your B button rapidly to continue hitting your opponent.
Your D-pad can be used to control where you hit your opponent (face,
ribs, side of head). If you punch your opponent long enough, he will
turn over, and you can begin punching him in the back of the head. If
you press your A button while mounted, you will start fighting to get
an arm lock.
Short grapple, then R button: Hitting the R button shortly after a
successful grapple will cause you to automatically go behind your
opponent and take him down with a rear naked choke.
Long grapple to opponents back: You will take your opponent down from
behind, and mount him while he's face down. Press B button rapidly to
begin punching him in the back of the head.
To do your special: when your spirit is up, do a short grapple then hit
the toggle stick.
When your opponent is on the ground: press the L button to mount him
and begin punching.