Dave Mirra BMX - working
Midnight Club L.A. Remix - working
Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem - working
Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony - working (unfortunately, with unplayable bugs)
Monster Jam: Urban Assault - working
CARS - working
Dead to Rights - working
Ford Bold Moves - working
From Russia With Love - working
GUN Showdown - working
Juiced 2 - working
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 - working, unstable (host freezes after ~30 secs)
Medal of Honor Heroes - working
Medievil: Resurrection - working, unstable (huge stack overflow)
Metal Gear Portable Ops - working, unstable (server freezes after ~30 secs)
Miami Vice: The Game - working, unstable (server freezes after ~30 secs)
Mignight Club 3 DUB - working
n+ - working
NFS ProStreet - working (unfortunately without graphics ingame

NFS Shift - working
OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast - working
Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - working
Prince of Persia: Rival Swords - working (unfortunately with old and nasty bug - falling characters under floor)
Scarface - working
Rainbow Six: Las Vegas - working
Twisted Metal: HeadOn - working
Warhammer 40k: Squad Command - working
WRC World Rally Championship - working
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron - working
Tekken 6 - working
Army of Two: The 40th Day - working
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 - working
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 - working
Split/Second - working
flOw - working
Beats - working
StateShift - working
Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive - (working, see notes) few times i can't join to host's room, but on 3rd or 4th try i successfully joined
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact - working
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Predator - throws exception when host trying to create lobby
Dirt 2 - working
Eragon - working
Mortal Kombat: Unchained - working
Over the Hegde: Hammy Goes Nuts - working, see notes (first time, when i press on client join to host it didn't find game, and i pressed go back to main menu and some memory error appears. i choosed to continue and go to join to host again. when client find host, and i successfully joined to game)
Race Driver 2006 - working
Resistance: Retribution - working
StarTrek - working
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror - working
Lord of the Rings Tactics - working
WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2010 - working
Call of Duty: Roads to Victory - no changes (Client not see host)
Dungeon Explorer - passed further (client connected to host), but don't know what it should do next (it returns host and client back)
Dynasty Warriors Vol.2 - no changes (Client not see host)
FlatOut Head On - no changes (Client not see host)
FullAuto 2 - no changes (client connected to host, but in both lists displayed only one player) host can't start game
Ghost Rider - no changes, client connected to host, but stay in "waiting" state (host cannot start game)
Gran Turismo - no changes (can't create host game, when creating some read32/read8 memory errors appears)
Hot Wheels - no changes (client can join to created host, but after few seconds got "disconnected" msg)
Kao Challengers - partial (started game, but when both Server/Client pressed "ready" server got blue screen [game crash])
NASCAR - no changes (freezes, when entered "Wireless Play" menu)
NFS Most Wanted - no changes (can't create host game)
Obscure Aftermath - host freezes on creating new game
Open Season - no changes, client when trying host to server disconnects, after that don't see host
Peter Jackson's King Kong - client connected to host with "Waiting for host", but host still saying "Waiting for player"
Ratatouille - host freezes when hits "Begin game"
Ridge Racer - Client not see host
Rush - client stuck on "Waiting response from server", server freezes after accepting client to join
Samurai Shodown Anthology - client joined to host, after choosing characters host has lost connection with client
SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny - client see host, but when client accepting host's invite (to lobby battle) both Server/Client freezes
Street Supremacy - no changes, partial - both (server/client) freezes on race startup
SWAT: Target Liberty - no changes, host disconnects, if client trying to join (also host freezes, when trying to create game alone)
Tekken: Dark Resurrection - no changes, both Server/Client hangs on "Connecting to Lobby"
The Hustle: Detroit Streets - when client trying join to host both Server/Client freezes
Transformers: The Game - host freezed, when "Launch" was pressed, see notes (client didn't see host before, then i just re-create host's game)
Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Rumble - got memory errors on host when trying to create new group (lobby)
Warriors Orochi 2 - no changes, Client not see host
WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2006 - host freezes when client connects to him
WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2007 - host freezes when client connects to him
WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2008 - host freezes when client connects to him
MotorStorm Arctic Edge - partial (client successfully connected to host, but both freezes on race loading screen) [game also freezes in singleplayer!]
MX vs. ATV Reflex - no changes, host created, client stuck on "Connecting to Host" msg (but on host client is showed in players list)
Metal Slug XX - host freezes after client to host it, and client got disconnected later.
Cars Race-O-Rama - client disconnects, when trying join to host [hle - HLE Function sceNetSetDropRate(sceNetIfhandle) not activated by default for Firmware Version 555
Bakugan: Defenders of the Core - no changes, host room is created, but client cannot find it
Fate/Unlimited codes - memory errors appear on second copy of JPCSP if first copy is already running. Both Server/Client stuck on "Connecting to lobby" msg
Undead Knights - no changes, after client connected to host, and host proceed further both (Server/Client) got connection error