Buster, До Форте тебе еще пахать и пахать)))

Вот про эту миссию с gamefaqs:
4-1: Water panic
Talk to Mom.
Go to school.
4-2: Official Netbattler Chaud
Go to SciLab and meet Chaud.
Get the SciLabID from Dad's lab coat.
Get into the Water Works facility and talk to Chaud again.
Talk to Dr. Froid.
4-3: Lunch time!
Wait in Dad's lab for lunch time.
Jack into the Water Works facility network with the water cooler next to the
blue elevator.
4-4: ProtoMan
Meet ProtoMan and continue your way.
Turn on and off pipes to access deeper areas.
4-5: Cold Bears
At the fourth section, you'll fight the Cold Bears and unfreeze the network.
4-6: Poison water
Go back to school and see a poisoned man.
Get to the Metroline and read your mail.
Check the car next to the school to free the boy and get the Handle program.
4-7: Figure skating
Jack into the Water Works network again and use the Handle on
the faucet that didn't have one to access the fifth section.
Don't forget to get the PowerUp hidden below the large iced area.
4-8: IceMan
Fight IceMan.
IceMan moves a lot, and you should do the same when he shoots his bombs.
Скорее всего, ты еще не взял батин бейджик с халата, ну и т.п.
Вот очень полезная вещь:
http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvance/game/457634.htmlОттуда скачай карты для MMBN (Game Maps) Там все наглядно и детально