"StarFox 2 was fully completed. I was the lead programmer and whilst Giles made Stunt Race FX, myself and the rest of the original Starfox team (ie. Nintendo's artists and designers) expanded Starfox into a full 3D shooting game. The reason for non-release was the then impending Nintendo 64 which of course was intended to be released a lot sooner than it actually was. Miyamoto-san decided he wanted to have a clean break between 3D games on the SNES and 3D games on the new superior 64-bit system. In retrospect, he could have released Star Fox 2 and there would have been over a year and a half before the N64 came out. But hindsight is always 20/20.
Короче говоря, они тупо не захотели ее доделывать, так как на рынок вышла Нин64, на которую можно было сделать во много раз лучше.
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Доработанная версия - перевод
Добавлено позже:
StarFox 2 was fully completed - Она была полностью готова