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Easter Eggs
Added Dialogue
If 100% of the souls are collected, additional dialogue appers in the game's ending. Soma and Mina talk about how the experience changed Soma.
Contributed By: gosan
100.2% Map Completion!
First do the trick for 100.1% map completion. Continue on with the story except when you get the Undine soul do not go to the Top Floor area. Go back through the Inner Quarters and Dance Hall. Then go to the Floating Garden. Proceed to the room that connects with the Clock Tower. Go to the upper right corner of the room. Use the Curly soul and you will be transported outside of the castle again. This time stand on the left side of the 2nd spike from the right. Jump and if you did it right you will be transported to The Arena and then the Top Floor and your map will be 100.2% completed.
Contributed By: sTrange tHunder
100.3% Map Explored!
Ok, first you need to do the 100.2% map glitch, have the Giant Bat and Curly souls, and have not gone to the Chaos Realm
Enter the long verticle room connected to the frist save room of the Chapel. Stand on the platform that is just above the door leading out (not the stone on, you have to be under the stone one). Face right and press R to use the Curly soul. When Soma turns a strange color pause the game and switch Curly soul with the Giant Bat soul. Unpause and hold right and change into the bat. You should end up in the ceiling of the Save Room. Fly just above the statue on the right side and change back into Soma. You should end up in the Underground Reservoir, in the middle of a wall. When you very close to the top of the room hold right and press R to change into the bat. Change back into Soma when you reach the gap in the ceiling of that room. If you did the whole thing right you will fly up through several rooms and end up in the Chaotic Realm. The room of the Chaotic Realm is a tower/observatory room with a space background, if your not halfway off the screen the glitch won't work and you have to try again. Eventually you will be able to move again and your map percentage will now be 100.3%!
Contributed By: sTrange tHunder
Glowing Soma
This glitch will make Soma glow for as long as you want. It does nothing else (as far as I know, I could be wrong) but it does make him really easy to see. First of all, you need either the Manticore, Devil, or Curly spirits. Next, make your way to the corridor in the Dance Hall (the one that leads up to the top level of the Dance Hall). Drop down from said top level, make your way to the last door (in the background) without killing anything, face left, and press R to transform. Keep holding it until you're just over the hole in the floor, and when the game starts to change you back, let go of the R button and do a slide. Voila! The game thinks that you fell through while you were changing back, so it replaces Soma's regular image with the really bright one. He'll stay this way until you use Devil, Manticore, or Curly again.
Contributed By: TeknoBlade
Surpass 100% Map Completion
First beat the game with 100% map completed, and a Curly soul, and start a new game +. Make your way to the chapel and head up the stairs in the room with all of the ghosts. make your way to the top left cornor of the room and stand under the platform that the Axe Armor was on. Next face to the right and back dash until your against the wall. Then use the Curly soul and you will be warped outside of the castle. Drop down the left side until you land on a platform and jump off the screen to the left. You will be transported to the Study and your map will be 100.1% completed.
Contributed By: sTrange tHunder
All Endings
Before fighting Graham, equip the Flame Demon, Succubus and Giant Bat souls. After you defeat him, You'll able to enter the black mist door and will fight two more bosses. Beat both to receive the best ending. Unlocks Sound Mode and Boss Rush Mode.
Before fighting Graham, equip the Flame Demon, Succubus and Giant Bat souls. After you defeat him, You'll able to enter the black mist door and will fight two more bosses. Beat the first one, but lose to the second, you should then get the good ending. Unlocks Boss Rush Mode.
Defeat Graham, but don't collect or equip the Flame demon, Succubus and Giant Bat souls. You'll get the bad ending.
Lose to Chaos to get the worst ending.
Contributed By: Kintaro Oe age 25
Boss Rush Rewards
Finish boss rush with the following times to unveil secret items.
-Over 6 minutes-
-Between 5 and 6 minutes-
-Between 4 and 5 minutes-
Positron Rifle
-Under 4 minutes-
Contributed By: Geusprime
Easy Experience.
Ok, before you get excited, there is one requirement to do this. The Sherman Ring. It gives you experience points as you walk. This ring can be found in the dance hall (you must have some way to get up through holes in the ceiling such asgiant bat soul or super jump ability). I'll leave finding that to you. On to the trick.
1. Equip the Sherman Ring.
2. Find a safe spot with no monsters.
3. Pin down the duck button, and either the move left or move right directional button.
4. Voila. You have fooled the game into thinking you are walking, when you are just sitting in one spot safe and sound. Now go to sleep or something and let the experience roll in.
Why do it this way? Because if you just try to hold the run button down against a wall, you will not get experience points even though Soma is running.
Contributed By: Marcus
Extremely fast EXP
Go to the teleport room right next to the arena, then head left, go up as soon as possible(on your map it will be two blocks left of the teleport room). After you go up, go left as soon as possible(it will be two blocks above where you just went up.
Now you will be three blocks left and two blocks up of the teleport room. This hall contains two red minotaurs, a werejaguar, and a killer mantle. Go back and forth across the hall until you get a killer mantle soul. Equip it, it will kill red minotaurs in a single strike, and they give 1000 exp per kill. I can rack up over 6000 exp a minute doing this.
Contributed By: MrIncomingT
Skip to the Arena from Floating Garden
Once you get to the Floating Garden, you can use the Gorgons to reach the Arena instantly. First, go up the first elevator you see. Then, head up all the way until you see the Red Crow sitting on the staircase--there should be a Gorgon to the right of it. Stand on the very back of the Gorgon and have it walk towards the pillar. Once it hits the pillar and starts turning, run towards the pillar and, if you did it right, you should see Soma crouched in the wall and rapidly moving upwards. You should land in a room of The Arena right under a Dead Crusader.
Note: This glitch also works with any other Gorgon or Catoblepas if they run into a wall at some point and turn around.
Contributed By: bokunokuso