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Блин, скачал таки вчера KwonHo: The Fist of Heroes, а с запуском никак...Кто-нить может подсказать толк в запуске онлайновых гам??
КАК В эту игру поиграть ?
Dear KwonHo Players,It is with our deepest regret that on November 14th, the KwonHo service on ijji.com is coming to a close. Ever since the first closed beta of KwonHo, we've watched the service with hope and optimism that KwonHo: The Fist of Heroes would be the premiere online fighting game for the PC. Unfortunately, after much difficult discussion, it has been determined that we would not be able to continue to keep the game in service. Our hearts go out to all of the fighting gamers who found a game that would satisfy their thirst for an experience comparable to other fighting games currently in the market, at no cost to sign on and play. Likewise, we are sad for many users who experienced their first 3d fighting game. We thank you all for your time, dedication, and support for a game that we all wanted badly to succeed and continue. On November 14th, we'll have a scheduled site maintenance period. Following the maintenance, KwonHo will be unavailable. Again, we thank you all for playing, and we are so sorry to see the game go. We look forward to servicing the games currently on ijji, as well as adding new games to our line up of titles. But for now, we are sad to see a dear friend go. Very Much Appreciated,ijji.com
Да, до такого можно додуматься, если не не знать, как сейчас обстоят дела со скоростью в ps2-эмуле.
Ditto, хахаха, юморист эмуль зы2 пока сыроват для того чтобы кайф ловить от тамошних файтов
ХХм если эмуль зы2 еще слабоват.. то когда мы будем играть с нормальной скоростью на ЗЫ3??
А это... Как с МК для PS2 дела обстоят? о_О