Народ у всех проблемы с svn 309-310 или есть улучшения? Я например не приметил ничего.
Revision 312 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Mar 12 21:33:31 2008 UTC (40 minutes, 9 seconds ago) by refractionpcsx2
Fixed a couple of other bugs and an old bug where the destination wasnt being incremented properly on split transfers.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revision 311 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Mar 12 19:48:32 2008 UTC (2 hours, 25 minutes ago) by refractionpcsx2
Fixed a small bug i made when data was left over. didnt increment dest
Revision 310 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Mar 12 02:05:35 2008 UTC (20 hours, 8 minutes ago) by refractionpcsx2
jiggled some stuff about and took out some dupe code in vif unpacks,
saves approx 25,000 cycles per frame in 3d. also along the lines ffxii videos got smoother too so, good day for reffy! fixed a couple of little bugs too.
Revision 309 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Mar 11 18:40:16 2008 UTC (27 hours, 33 minutes ago) by refractionpcsx2
Added the fantastic new patch browser and memorycard browser as written by ihateregisterin. Good job man. Oh and disabled one of my debug messages, seems it really slows the bios xD
Kos выручай ,я наверное полный дебил, но из предыдущих страниц нифига непонятно. я всё настроил и непашит, загружается только Сонька, а игры как и небывало. 
запускай файл с разширением .ELF или просто RunCD/DVD