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0 [GUI] INFO misc - Jpcsp v0.23 [GUI] INFO misc - UMD param.sfo :BOOTABLE = 1CATEGORY = UGDISC_ID = ULUS10014DISC_NUMBER = 1DISC_TOTAL = 1DISC_VERSION = 1.01PARENTAL_LEVEL = 5PSP_SYSTEM_VER = 1.00REGION = 32768TITLE = Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remixprobably homebrew? false15 [GUI] DEBUG hle - Loading HLE firmware up to version 15041 [GUI] DEBUG runtime - RuntimeContext.reset108 [GUI] DEBUG hle - Loading HLE firmware up to version 150118 [GUI] DEBUG misc - Loader: Relocation required (PRX)119 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH#0: loading program 08800000 - 08A742D4 - 08A742D4152 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH#1: loading program 08A742D8 - 08A75CEC - 08AE59A0153 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH alloc consumption 002E59A0 (mem 0006FCB4)153 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .bss: clearing section 08A75D00 - 08AE59A0 (len 0006FCA0)165 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.text: relocating 67746 entries198 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.lib.ent: relocating 1 entries199 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.lib.stub: relocating 69 entries199 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.rodata.sceModuleInfo: relocating 4 entries200 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.rodata.sceResident: relocating 2 entries200 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.rodata: relocating 2360 entries201 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.data: relocating 8757 entries202 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.eh_frame: relocating 1 entries202 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.cplinit: relocating 61 entries203 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.linkonce.d: relocating 1168 entries204 [GUI] INFO misc - Found ModuleInfo name:'hawkpsp' version:0101 attr:00000000 gp:00000000204 [GUI] DEBUG memory - Reserving 3037600 bytes at 08800000 for module 'disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/BOOT.BIN'205 [GUI] DEBUG hle - malloc(size=0x2e59a0) new heapBottom=0x8ae59a0, new heapTop=0x9ffffff206 [GUI] INFO misc - Found 161 imports from 23 modules207 [GUI] INFO misc - Found 1 exports207 [GUI] INFO misc - 161 NIDS mapped212 [GUI] DEBUG hle - malloc(size=0x4000) new heapBottom=0x8ae59a0, new heapTop=0x9ffbfff213 [GUI] DEBUG runtime - Switching to Thread root218 [GUI] INFO hle - pspiofilemgr - filepath disc0/218 [GUI] INFO misc - Loading global compatibility settings219 [GUI] INFO ge - Only GE Graphics: false219 [GUI] INFO hle - Audio ChReserve disabled: false219 [GUI] INFO hle - Audio muted: false219 [GUI] INFO hle - Audio Blocking disabled: false220 [GUI] INFO hle - Audio threads disabled: false220 [GUI] INFO memory - Ignore invalid memory access: true220 [GUI] INFO hle - Reserving thread memory: true220 [GUI] INFO hle - WaitThreadEndCB enabled: false221 [GUI] DEBUG misc - No patch file found for this game
932 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceKernelCreateThread redirecting to hleKernelCreateThread933 [Emu] DEBUG hle - malloc(size=0x10000) new heapBottom=0x8ae59a0, new heapTop=0x9febfff935 [Emu] DEBUG hle - hleKernelCreateThread SceUID=1006 name:'user_main' PC=8a25244 attr:0x80000000 pri:0x20935 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceKernelStartThread redirecting to hleKernelStartThread937 [Emu] DEBUG hle - hleKernelStartThread SceUID=1006 name:'user_main' dataLen=0x20 data=0x9fffe00 gp=0x0946 [Emu] DEBUG hle - hleKernelCreateCallback SceUID=1008 name:'exit' PC=891bed0 arg=0 thread:'user_main'947 [Emu] DEBUG hle - IGNORING:sceKernelRegisterExitCallback SceUID=1008947 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceKernelChangeThreadPriority SceUID=1006 newPriority:0x40 oldPriority:0x20947 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceKernelChangeThreadPriority yielding948 [Emu] DEBUG hle - Thread exit detected SceUID=1004 name:'root' return:0x0948 [Emu] DEBUG hle - really deleting thread:'root'949 [Emu] DEBUG hle - thread:'root' freeing stack 0x09FFC000949 [Emu] WARN hle - PARTIAL: pspSysMem.free(info) partially implemented SysMemInfo{ uid=1005;partitionid=2;name=ThreadMan-Stack;type=1;size=16384;addr=9ffc000 }950 [Emu] DEBUG runtime - Deleting Thread root957 [Emu] WARN hle - Unsupported syscall 2079 sceKernelRotateThreadReadyQueue 00000020 00000000 00000000958 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceKernelTotalFreeMemSize 22046303 (hex=150665f)959 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceKernelMaxFreeMemSize 21079584 (hex=141a620)967 [Emu] INFO stdout - 22046303 bytes free (21.03 megs)972 [Emu] INFO stdout - 21079584 bytes max (20.10 megs)973 [Emu] INFO hle - sceKernelCreateFpl(name='sonysux',partition=2,attr=0x0,blocksize=0x13b6620,blocks=1,opt=0x0)974 [Emu] DEBUG hle - malloc(size=0x13b6620) new heapBottom=0x9e9bfe0, new heapTop=0x9febfff975 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceKernelCreateFpl 'sonysux' assigned uid 1009976 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceKernelTryAllocateFpl(uid=0x1009,data=0x8ac20b0)980 [Emu] INFO stdout - 20669984 bytes heap (19.71 megs)984 [Emu] INFO stdout - Allocated 1695776 bytes at 0x08ae59d0 for Pez Dispensers986 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 2048 @ 4 bytes: 0x08ae59e0994 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 2048 @ 8 bytes: 0x08ae79e01005 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 3072 @ 12 bytes: 0x08aeb9e01014 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 1792 @ 16 bytes: 0x08af49e01020 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 6144 @ 32 bytes: 0x08afb9e01038 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 1536 @ 48 bytes: 0x08b2b9e01045 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 4096 @ 64 bytes: 0x08b3d9e01056 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 3840 @ 80 bytes: 0x08b7d9e01067 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 1280 @ 96 bytes: 0x08bc89e01072 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 512 @ 112 bytes: 0x08be69e01075 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 2560 @ 128 bytes: 0x08bf49e01083 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 448 @ 144 bytes: 0x08c449e01086 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 320 @ 160 bytes: 0x08c545e01088 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 320 @ 176 bytes: 0x08c60de01090 [Emu] INFO stdout - PezBlock: 448 @ 192 bytes: 0x08c6e9e01093 [Emu] INFO stdout - Top of overall Pez Dispensers: 0x08c839e01138 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceKernelChangeCurrentThreadAttr removeAttr:0x0 addAttr:0x4000 oldAttr:0x800000001152 [Emu] INFO stdout - allocated mp_frontend_region at 0x8afcd401155 [Emu] INFO stdout - Setup TOP_DOWN mp_network_heap at 0x8c546801158 [Emu] INFO stdout - Setup mp_frontend_heap at 0x8c547201161 [Emu] INFO stdout - allocated mp_script_region at 0x8afcd601163 [Emu] INFO stdout - Setup mp_script_heap at 0x8c547c01166 [Emu] INFO stdout - allocated mp_skater_info_region at 0x8afcd801168 [Emu] INFO stdout - Setup mp_skater_info_heap at 0x8c548601171 [Emu] INFO stdout - allocated mp_theme_region at 0x8afcda01173 [Emu] INFO stdout - Setup mp_theme_heap at 0x8c549001175 [Emu] INFO stdout - allocated mp_skater_region at 0x8afcdc01176 [Emu] INFO stdout - Setup mp_skater_heap at 0x8c549a01178 [Emu] INFO stdout - allocated mp_skater_geom_region at 0x8afcde01180 [Emu] INFO stdout - Setup mp_skater_geom_heap at 0x8c54a401182 [Emu] INFO stdout - Start of main()1183 [Emu] INFO stdout - argc = 01184 [Emu] INFO stdout - 1228 [Emu] INFO hle - sceKernelSetGPO 0x011228 [Emu] DEBUG hle - hleKernelCreateCallback SceUID=100b name:'UMDCallback' PC=8810430 arg=0 thread:'user_main'1229 [Emu] INFO hle - sceKernelSetGPO 0x021229 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceUmdRegisterUMDCallBack SceUID=100b1229 [Emu] DEBUG hle - pushCallback(type=0) calling checkCallbacks1230 [Emu] INFO hle - sceKernelSetGPO 0x041230 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceUmdCheckMedium (umd mounted = true)1231 [Emu] INFO hle - sceKernelSetGPO 0x081232 [Emu] INFO hle - sceKernelSetGPO 0x101232 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceUmdActivate unit = 1 drive = disc0:1232 [Emu] WARN hle - pushCallback(type=0) thread:'user_main' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x22 -> 0x22, newCount=21233 [Emu] DEBUG hle - pushCallback(type=0) calling checkCallbacks1233 [Emu] INFO hle - sceKernelSetGPO 0x201233 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceUmdWaitDriveStat(stat=0x20)1233 [Emu] INFO hle - sceKernelSetGPO 0x401235 [Emu] INFO hle - sceIoOpen filename = umd0: flags = 1 permissions = 001235 [Emu] DEBUG hle - PSP_O_RDONLY1236 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceIoOpen - opening file umd01237 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceIoOpen assigned uid = 0x100c1237 [Emu] INFO hle - sceKernelSetGPO 0x801238 [Emu] INFO stdout - Opening hed file ...1239 [Emu] INFO hle - sceIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/datap.hed flags = 1 permissions = 001239 [Emu] DEBUG hle - PSP_O_RDONLY1239 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceIoOpen - opening file disc0/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/datap.hed1241 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceIoOpen assigned uid = 0x100d1242 [Emu] INFO stdout - data opened successfully1244 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceIoLseek - uid 100d offset 0 (hex=0x0) whence PSP_SEEK_END1244 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceIoLseek - uid 100d offset 0 (hex=0x0) whence PSP_SEEK_SET1245 [Emu] DEBUG hle - hleIoRead(uid=100d,data=0x9179080,size=0xa8d24) async=false1257 [Emu] DEBUG hle - sceIoClose - uid 100d22580 [Emu] INFO hle - Watch dog timer - pausing emulator (thread hogging)ЦитатаВот что у меня получается при эмуляции:
Вот что у меня получается при эмуляции: