Privet, sorry i'm not a Russian
I need help , i have got a problem with themulator "makaron ex"
I want to use the keyboard to play so i choose the keyboard in the setting window
but when i launch a game, an error occurs saying something as :
<open error>(-1012) in module Makaron: WinMain ->
Makaron GlownaPetla -> Makaron.Uruchom -> HOLLY.Uruchom ->
HOLLY/Maple.uruchom -> Holly/Maple.UruchomWtyczki ->
(makaron VMU).uruchom
i modified the maple.ini file as this :
#Adres0x20 = X360PAD.dll
Adres0x20 = MakaronPAD.dll
Adres0x01 = MakaronVMU.dll
Adres0x02 = MakaronVMU.dll
but the emulator always changes the setting as
Adres0x20 = X360PAD.dll
#Adres0x20 = MakaronPAD.dll
Adres0x01 = MakaronVMU.dll
Adres0x02 = MakaronVMU.dll
can someone tell me what is wrong?
I have to say that I was able to play for a few minutes with the keyboard
and then the error came back when I changed the game
do you know how to solve this issue?