Вы предложения попроще пишите, а то они не смогут понять с их переводчиками

Подумают что мы хотим захватить америку и силой отнять их картридж

Но ситуация и правда лол!
Hey guys! Are you reading that? Yes, you! From USA or where are you from? So, anyway. The thing is - will you try to dump the rom? If so could you keep us in loop? Also we can help you with dumping, at least by giving advices or maybe someone will be kind enough to provide a dumper, or at least point you into direction where you can find one. If you really will dump the rom you will make a
HUGE contribution to zero tollerance community or the world!!! If you post you contact information in that thread
http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2056504374 I will be able to contact you to discuss all the stuff.