Автор Тема: Bare Knucke 3 Director's Cut  (Прочитано 9050 раз)

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Оффлайн ALEX_230_VOLT

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Re: Bare Knucke 3 Director's Cut
« Ответ #30 : 06 Март 2011, 16:26:06 »
о, отличная новость  :wow: жаль что скачать пока ничего нельзя, но идея очень интересная

Оффлайн Glisp

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Re: Bare Knucke 3 Director's Cut
« Ответ #31 : 18 Май 2011, 10:57:22 »
Hello. I'm Glisp. I worked on this hack with the Creator, Red Crimson. I'm a native English speaker and I know this is a russian forum so yeah.

Now for the hack ... Yes, it was canceled. Unfortunately, it was not my decision. You see, I was just a tester for Red Crimson's hack. The only builds of this hack I helped with in terms of hacking were BKIII DC 1.0 and 1.5.1, but apart from that, the Red Crimson did most of the hacking.

There were bugs left in, where I was a little disappointed to be honest. I felt we could continue, but Red Crimson thought that the hack was "half-assed" and "buggy". I must agree with the buggy statement.

You see, the drive was tough. Red spent a good amount of time struggling with stubborn hard coding which made it difficult to add new code. Each time a bug was fixed, a new one seemed to appear. That's how bad it was.Fortunately, hard-coding in Red Crimson's Streets Rage 2 hack is not nearly as bad as the number of bugs seem much smaller and seem only graphical and dealing with sprite mappings.

I would like to go into details, but I'd rather keep this post at a considerable size. Instead, I'll just list the cheats for this hack and be on my way. You can find me on the Streets of Rage Online, Bombergames, or Brawler's Avenue, if there are any questions.

Up + B at the title screen:
This is a cheat for Victy / Roo in the retail version of the game. Use it to unlock the Shiva and ash, as well as random select and Victy/Roo.

Up +B with options highlighted:
Master Level Select

Ash, Shiva, and Victy have been programmed to skip the bike stages, since they lack bike sprites of their own.

Other notable things:
This hack used code of a Chinese Pirate of BKIII that makes Terry Bogard replace Axel. (which is a REALLY BAD hack) But Red Crimson found some custom script that helped code Shiva's new moves.

Also, you CAN run diagonally, but you have to double tap diagonally in the direction you want to go.

Anyway, that's all. I thank you for playing this hack. When the Streets of Rage 2: Red Crimson Edtion hack comes out, I'm sure it will be worth talking about too ;)

« Последнее редактирование: 18 Май 2011, 11:59:35 от Glisp »

Оффлайн gepar

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Re: Bare Knucke 3 Director's Cut
« Ответ #32 : 18 Май 2011, 11:02:36 »
Glisp,I think that be better if you write your post on english  ;)

Оффлайн Glisp

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Re: Bare Knucke 3 Director's Cut
« Ответ #33 : 18 Май 2011, 11:07:53 »
Good idea.

Оффлайн gepar

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Re: Bare Knucke 3 Director's Cut
« Ответ #34 : 18 Май 2011, 11:14:55 »
Probably, its original post Glisp (it's translate from Russian to English in Google translate):
Hello. I Glisp. I worked on this technique with the Creator, Red Crimson. I apologize if my Russian is not very good. I use Google Translate to say you guys, because Russian is clearly not a language is spoken. I am a native English speaker.

Now for the hack ... Yes, it was canceled. Unfortunately, it was not my decision. You see, I just tester for hacks Red Crimson in the first place. I helped a bit with break-in BKIII DC 1,0 and 1.5.1, but apart from that, the Red Crimson did most of the hacking.

There were errors on the left, where I was a little disappointed to be honest. I felt we could continue, but the red Crimson thought that hack was "half the estimated" and "buggy". I must agree with the buggy side. The number of errors, it seems to get longer, the more he hacked ROM.

You see, the drive was tough. Red Crimsonborolsya good most of the time to deal with hard kodirovaniya.disk was very tough because it was confusing. After a bug has been fixed, the other did not seem to appear. Fortunately, hard-coding its Streets Rage 2 hack is not nearly seem as bad as the number of errors is much smaller.

I would like to go into details, but it probably will not be properly translated Google Translate. Instead, I just list the codes for this device and be on my way. You can find me on the streets of Rage Online, Bombergames, or Avenue Brawler, if there are any questions.

Up to + B at the title screen:
This is a cheat for Victy / Ru in the retail version of the game. Use it to unlock the Shiva and ash, as well as random select.

Up to + B with variants noted:
Master Level Select

Ash, Shiva, and Victy been deliberately programmed to skip the bike stage, too, incidentally.

Anyway, that's all. I thank you for taking advantage of this technique. When the streets of Rage 2: Red Crimson Edtion comes out, I'm sure you guys will say something too.