На XBOX ONE официально анонсировано мыло.
Playstation 4
The Order: 1886 = 1920x800
KillZone: Shadow Fall = 1920x1080 (MP=60fps, SP=30fps)
Infamous: Second Son = 1920x1080
DriveClub = 1920x1080 (Targeting 60fps)
Resogun = 1920x1080 (60fps)
Knack = 1920x1080 (Variable — 30-60fps)
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag = 1920x1080
Thief = 1920x1080
Blacklight: Retribution = 1920x1080
Warframe = 1920x1080
Call of Duty: GHOSTS = 1920x1080 (60fps)
Flower = 1920x1080 (60fps)
FIFA = 1920x1080
DC: Universe Online = 1920x1080 (60fps)
NBA 2K14 = 1920x1080 (60fps)
Xbox One
Killer Instinct = 1280x720 (60fps)
Ryse: Son of Rome = 1600x900 (30fps)
Call of Duty: GHOSTS = 1280x720 (60fps) (to be confirmed)
Titanfall = 1280x720 (to be confirmed)
Forza 5 = 1920x1080 (60fps)
FIFA = 1920x1080
NBA 2K14 = 1920x1080 (60fps)
Dead Rising 3 = «Dynamic» Resolution (30fps)