Автор Тема: [GBA] Batman Rise of Sin Tzu  (Прочитано 4693 раз)

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[GBA] Batman Rise of Sin Tzu
« : 21 Сентябрь 2006, 11:26:32 »
Помогите замочить босса Голема (Clayface)
Абсолютно не понимаю, что с ним делать....

Оффлайн Sheb

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Batman Rise of Sin Rzu
« Ответ #1 : 21 Сентябрь 2006, 11:40:55 »
The first thing you'll notice is the sets of electric antenna on the sides of
the arena. What you must do is hit each of the two sets three times a peice
with your Batarang. Just watch out for Clayface's swinging blades. If you
successfully pull it off, then an electrical discharge will immobilize Clayface
and allow you to attack him.
If my combo bar is not full, then I try to hit him until I earn a Perfect
before running away. If it is full, then I try to unleash as many high level
Power Combos as possible before he recovers.
One he recovers he will try to squash you with his hammer arms for a while, and
then throw out three blobs of clay which will spawn a few bad guys. You can use
them to fill your combo bar or just quickly dispatch them. After they're gone,
the antenna will come back on, and Clayface will go back to using his blades,
so just repeat the cycle.
The important thing to remember is to NEVER get close to Clayface when he is
not stunned, because he will hit you very hard with his brick chest attack.

Надеюсь трабл с инглишем нет...


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[GBA] Batman Rise of Sin Tzu
« Ответ #2 : 13 Август 2008, 14:57:21 »
Привет народ в общем возник такой такой вопрос с игрой      
Batman Rise of Sin Tzu на гейм бой адванц никак не пойму как убить босса второго голема если кто помнит скажите плиз как его грохнуть
« Последнее редактирование: 27 Июль 2009, 11:40:22 от -v- »