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после прохождения уровня идет подсчет очков за gems, time, fruit и mystery(1-4)
за mystery1 очки дают, а вот за остальные нет.
кто-нить знает что это такое и как это достать?
нашёл тут такую информацию
https://tcrf.net/The_Jungle_Book_(Genesis)#Mystery_Bonus_PointsWhen a level is completed, the game awards "MYSTERY" points on the tally screen. They are not described anywhere in the manual. Upon checking the game's code, here is what they actually do.
This bonus has strange conditions. They are as follows:
After level completion, if the remaining time is 0:00, then award 20000 bonus points and exit.
If the remaining seconds are 00, then award 15000 bonus points and exit.
If current level is 10 (final level), then let X = 0x3100, else let X = 0.
If (current level - 1) + 0x31 + X == remaining seconds in ASCII format, then award 10000 bonus points and exit.
However, the remaining time is converted to points and reset to 0:00 before the MYSTERY1 bonus points calculation routine is called, so this bonus always gives 20000 points. The last condition is also constructed in a way it would never be satisfied even if the previous conditions weren't true.
If the player did not fire any of his weapons in the level, this bonus awards the player 20000 bonus points and an extra life.
Although a subroutine for this bonus exists in the code, it is never called. Because of this, it's impossible to get this bonus.
The subroutine buried in the game's code has the following condition:
If the variable 0xFFF957 == 0, then award 15000 bonus points and exit.
The variable 0xFFF957 is never accessed by the game's code in any way, so it is unknown what this bonus was intended to award points for.
If the current level is 1 and current player lives is 0, this bonus awards the player 10000 bonus points and 3 extra lives.
в конце первого уровня за деревом которое растёт из пропасти спрятаны призы, в том числе жизнь
как их достать?