Kabal_MK, Once Again Great Job With The Hack, I was wonder after you add Sheeva, maybe you could do the following:
*Add Missing Special Moves For MK Trilogy*
Stryker's Double Low & High Bombs
Sindel's Double Fireball
Sektor's Double Missle
Baraka's Blade Spin
MK2 Jax's Sonic Wave In The Air
Kano Psycho Cannon Ball
MK1 Kano's Knife Spin
MK3 Kung Lao's Double Teleport
Enable MK3 Kung Lao's Spin To Go From Left To Right
Liu Kang's Red Bicycle Kick
Goro's Twirl Spin
Kintaro's Grab & Smash
Enable MK1 Rayden To Do Torpedo In The Air
Enable UMK3 Jade To Do Fan Toss In The Air
*New Moves For Characters
MK3 Sonya: Double Ring Toss & Maybe A Airthrow
MK1 Sonya & Liu Kang: Bicycle Kick
MK1 Reptile: Freeze, Spear, And Teleport Punch
Give All MK2 Characters Crouching Low Punch
*New/Update Finishing Moves
Sonya Fatality 4: Shoot Lots Of Enery Rings Until Opponent Explodes
Kitana Fatality 2: UMK3 Arcade/MKT Version Of The Kiss Of Death
Shao Kahn Fatality 3: Make MKT N64 Version
Motaro Fatality 3: New Finishing Move Involing His Tail?
Stryker Friendship: Make Like UMK3 Arcade(Characters Running Instead Of Dogs)
Scorpion Fatality 1: Make Scorpion Pack From UMK3 Arcade
Scorpion Fatality 3: Make Hand From Hell From MKT
Ermac Fatality 3: Rain's Fatality 3 Instead(Make Sense)
Rain Fatality 3: New
Noob Saibot Fatality 2: Make Like MKT Verison
Human Smoke Fatality 2: Make Smoke Pack?
Ermac, Human Smoke, Noob Saibot Friendship: Make Like MKT Versions
*New Codes & Missing Props
Stage Select
New & Missing Kombat Codes From UMK3 Arcade/MKT, ex, 666-444(Take You To Scorpion's Lair)
Shao Kahn Tower Bottom Levels Redone
Flying Trash On The Street & Bridge Stage
Fire In Torches In The Balcony
Missing Candles & Fire Torches In The Temple
Player 2 Random Select Needs To Be Move To Khameleon Instead Of Sindel
Endurance Mode For UMK3/MK2/MK1/ Character Pictures Fixed
Better Quality Character Select Pictures(ex. Human Smoke, MK2 Smoke, MK2 Noob Saibot)

Missing Sindel Levitation Win Pose
Once Sheeva Is Added, Do You Think That She Could Be Move To Her Orginal Shot In The Game(Where Khameleon Is Located In The Game)
More Backgrounds
*Idea For Chameleon and Khameleon
Chameleon: Instead Him Always Being In The Same Pose & Changing Colors Every 5 secs, Why Not Have Him Morph Into The Actual Ninjas Every 5 secs. and Make Him Alitte Transparent at the same time, ex, when he morphs into Ermac, he has Ermac Moves & Finishing Moves, same with the rest of the ninjas
Khameleon: Make Her Palette Grey Like MKT N64 Version, and have her name change colors about every 5 secs and what color her name is that time, she will have what color female ninja moves and finishing moves.
And Last Thing
Balancing Out All The Characters, Especially The Bosses, also could you take out MK3 Jax ability to use his Ground Pound To Knock People Out Of The Air.